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Showing posts from April, 2013


The Ego-mind only knows two different modes of reaction towards things unknown to it - either it feels curiosity/interest or fear/dread. Things of the first category induce positive dreams and the ones of the second negative ones. However both exert a certain amount power over the mind. In regard to personal fears, it is therefore vitally important to know them, if you wish to rid yourself of them. It is better to face them in cold blood, however grave they might appear, than to continually evade them. Because otherwise the unknown extent of your fears is causing your Ego-mind to become steadily more afraid of them. To meet your fears in consciousness is putting them into perspective and thus they usually lose their power over your personal re-/actions and thoughts. Of course, the same is true for the positive kind of dreaming. And because the Ego-mind, who is afraid of annihilation of its dreams, instinctively knows that to get to close too dreams is usually breaking their magical s...


Life happens from inside out, meaning also, that you can only perceive that of which you have personal knowledge gained through conscious experience. So, if you long for peace in the world, you have to first bring peace to your own mind and learn to feel the peace reigning within upon the level of the heart. If you wish to be understood and to understand the world, you have to learn to understand and accept your own self. And if you wish to be truly loved, you must first come to love yourself from the heart.


Life in duality is like a mathematical equation. If you know by ways of conscious awareness one side of it and if you are able to put it into correct relation to the as yet unknown side, you are in a position to deduce the extent of its content. And the underlying mysterious factor X to all phenomenons of life is Divine Love-Consciousness.


In the book of Genesis is being described how God created the worlds. Whether it really happened in this way and order is immaterial and a subject of personal opinion. However at a deeper level this story contains an important lesson of Universal truth, which also concerns our personal lives. It is important to take note of the fact, that God did one thing after the other and took care to take a rest in between. Time and place upon the physical plane come into being by one thing happening after another, by one stage of development succeeding the previous one and so on. Also in personal life, it is only ever possible to do one thing at a time, even though your Ego-mind is telling you otherwise and urging you to try doing several things at once without ever resting. Of course, theoretically it is possible to perform different tasks parallel to each other and never ceasing from action. However by doing so you are missing life's essence and the magical power of the here-now, which is...


Life is a rainbow of love and light appearing in different shades of colour. The colours are determined by the density in which the love and the light are present. At the utmost hight there is the Universal God-source, which is all white light and at the very bottom of the scale there is dense matter in the sphere of the earth, which, metaphorically speaking, is deep black. In between these two extremes are the colours of the rainbow to be found. In this simile, pure love can be seen as white light and fear as pitch black darkness. However just like the dark of a night contains the inert potential to develop into a bright and sunny day, so does fear hold the potential to turn into pure consciousness of love and light. The colour white contains the transcended essence of all the colours of the rainbow. Whereas the colour black holds them potentially. Just like the white requires black in order to be perceivable as white and to bring the rainbow of colours into e...


The basis of all life is Divine life-force, which I am going to call energy for now. Until energy is being either positively or negatively polarized, it is neither one nor the other but both potentially. In order to become one or the other a magnetizing force must be applied to it. Every sphere of existence differs in density and thus different factors are acting as magnets. Upon the level of personality it is the Ego-mind which acts as the magnetizing force to the otherwise neutral facts of personal existence. So whether your life is rich in "good" things and happenings - or rather the opposite - wholly depends upon your personal state of mind and your general out-look on life. Of course, with growing consciousness and love, you are becoming more and more aware of the position of responsibility you are holding towards your own life. Simultaneously it is the degree of you conscious awareness of the realities of Love and Light in life, which determines how free you are in y...


There is a bright and a dark side, a positive and a negative aspect to everything in manifestation. If you can see a shadow, there must be a light somewhere and where there is a light, shadows invariably appear. Divine force can only manifest on Earth and thus enliven dense matter, if there is a concrete form for it to indwell. However only forms which are built in awareness and love can be enlivened by God, while fear-created forms, on the other hand, are vehicles for dark forces. The human mind, with its ability to create and perceive limited forms, is shaping the reality of life on Earth by ways of its form-defined thoughts. Therefore depending upon your personal state of being and grade of conscious awareness, you are either making use of your Ego-mind in a constructive or a destructive way.  Life-forms are conditioned by the mind of their creator. Whereas God creates in Love and Light and His created forms are left free to develop within themselves once they have been mad...


True self-confidence is a matter of the heart. It is an inner state of loving trust towards you own being and life as a whole. True self-confidence grows inwardly, alongside with your capacity to love selflessly. Once you have it no-one and nothing can take it away from you again. It fills you with a sense of utter security, leaving no room for feelings and thoughts concerning superiority/inferiority either of yourself or others. True self-confidence makes you strong, free, inwardly relaxed, independent and flexible in your reactions towards life. You need no-one and nothing outside of you in order to keep it up, because it is being continually replenished by your love for the Divine living within you. You are self-confidence because you ARE. Whereas self-confidence which has its roots in the Ego-mind is dependent upon exterior sources in order to be palpable. It always involves your thoughts, memories and certain circumstances/people or is based upon personal achievements/accomplishm...


If you are living from the heart and with your consciousness rooted in your Higher Self, you are like a channel through which the Divine energy passes into the world of matter. Thereby it is your love, which forms the link between your Higher and your Lower Self, between your Spiritual and your earthly reality. The more conscious this link is, the stronger it is and the more creative and flexible you are in life.


The reality of the here-now is the pulsating joy, to be experienced within every atom of your physical being. All you need to do is to consciously link yourself up with the Divine energy flowing through you, by becoming aware of your breath moving through your heart centre.


The moments of fear you are coming across in the course of your earthly life are like high mountains barring your passage. Personal fears, or mountains, are challenges to be faced and surmounted - or traversed by ways of a deep tunnel - in faithful love. In an unconscious state of Ego-identification your first reaction upon meeting such a mountain is to either trying to avoid them as well as you can or if you cannot do so you baulk and start going round in circles on the spot, in the vain hope the unwelcome obstacle would thus disappear on its own accord. Which of course it will not. Personal crises arise from fear and in such moments it may happen, that you do not even realize there is actually a mountain is standing in your way. Because an instinctive fear has come over you, rendering so scared, that you do not know anything any more. In this state of panic you are running straight on and into a dark tunnel opening up at the foot of the mountain. Only to recover consciousness once y...


Although the memory of experiences you have made fade away as time goes by, their essence is never lost and remains with you forever. Basically there are but two kinds of personal experiences: positive and negative ones. Those which are enhancing your capacity to love and to be consciously aware of the Divine Light in life and those which feed the fear in your subconscious. Experiences of the positive kind are being absorbed by your soul after each earthly incarnation. They are helping it to evolve and to unfold its Divine potential and thus to be able to project forever more beautiful and perfected personalties. Experiences of fear, on the other hand, have to be re-lived life after life, burdening each new personality in turn. Until the Soul is capable of projecting a personality, whose love is strong enough to enlighten the dark memories of the past. By this act of conscious love, the soul's prior struggle against suffering will be transformed into an ascension towards the Light...


Truth has a million faces and is limitless. The Ego is dependent upon definte forms in its understanding. These forms are conditioned by personal beliefs, experiences etc. Therefore even if you are trying to understand another view-point than your own or if you are striving hard to see the whole truth about life, you can only do so in the light of the conditionings within your own Ego-mind. It is ony once you have shifted your focus of consciousness from the Ego-mind in the Lower Self up to your heart centre of the Higher Self, that you will be able to catch glimpses of the Greater Truth besides your own personal perspective of it. This new position of understanding life is also endowing you with compassionate understanding towards your fellow beings. Because the conscious love flowing your heart centre encompasses your whole being and melts away the sharp edges of your Ego, which is thus in a position to embrace other forms - rather than to clash against them as it did before in its ...


Each and every instance of life is wonder-ful and a miracle of love. Although the unenlightened Ego-mind is unable to acknowledge this but in rare moments -  these are the times, when it is experiencing a personal high and temporarily believes its fear vanished and gone forever...


If you wish to enlighten your own self, you have to be willing to look at what is living not only within your conscious awareness but also that, which is in your subconscious. You can never know the whole of your subconscious and you do not need to either. However the fear you have shut away in there you have to look at and deal with sooner or later. The most effective way to do this is by embracing it with your loving awareness. Otherwise it will always remain hovering threateningly in the background of your conscious mind and you can never completely relax, love and live happily in the present moment. So you have to be willing to say “yes” to your fear and metaphorically speaking: open your front door to it, else it will just keep on coming back knocking ever more insistently the longer you refuse to face it. And with each time you are ignoring its knocking or are pretending that you are busy doing something more important, its urgency to be answered will incr...


If you desire to learn to see the truth of a situation/another person/yourself/God, you have to be willing to love and to cultivate the ability to love. Because only love endows you with the strength and trust necessary, in order to be able to overcome your fears. Unless you conquer your fears through love, your perception of the truth will always remain conditioned by them and in consequence, of course, very limited. And the reason for this is very simple: love opens your heart and mind to welcome the truth in whatever shape or form it might show itself. Whereas fear, on the other hand, closes your heart to life and narrows down your mind to a fixed idea of the truth.