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There are as many aspects of Truth as there are minds in the Universe to percieve it. All of them together make up the whole Truth. However, because every man and woman is a minor universe of his/her own, everyone also has his/her own truth, which sums up the truth of his/her diverse sub-aspects of truth. In human beings it is the voice of the heart, which knows the sum-total of personal truth - and not the Ego-mind.
Therefore if you wish to be, and to remain, happy with yourself and your life, it is vitally important that you are believing in what your heart is telling you.
If, on the other hand, you are always trying to do what your mind and the world are telling you to believe and to do, or  to try following their ideas of how they think you ought to be, you are bound to lose all sense of your own truth. To listen to anyone or anything else rather than to the voice of your heart, will get you lost in a maze of controversial thoughts, emotions, relation-ships, situations etc. Until one day you will be tired and fed up with chasing and being chased around and then wou will instead turn around at yourself in the hope of finally finding clarity there. And you will, because your heart has never left you and is always there, patiently waiting for you to acknowledge its loving presence and to heed its wisdom regarding your personal path in life.


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