In the Divine hierarchy of life, the proximity of its beings to the God Source is defined by their capacity to love. The greater their capacity for compassionate, all-embracing and condition-less love, the higher their state of consciousness- and vice versa. And the greater their love-consciousness is, the bigger is also their field of responsibility because love has a uniting effect. Therefore by loving in the awareness of God as the source of all love, you are made an active part of the Divine Creation. One, which by its simple existence is contributing to its harmonious development and expansion.
In this hierarchy, human beings, who are exclusively following their Ego's desires, are not much better than mere insects, because the only thing they are concerned about is the satisfaction of their base desires and their own survival over all the others. In fact, in some ways, they are even lower that insects, because the latter- despite their limited goals in life- are at least contributing to the regeneration of Mother Nature. While Ego-dominated human beings generally even sin against Her.
In this hierarchy, human beings, who are exclusively following their Ego's desires, are not much better than mere insects, because the only thing they are concerned about is the satisfaction of their base desires and their own survival over all the others. In fact, in some ways, they are even lower that insects, because the latter- despite their limited goals in life- are at least contributing to the regeneration of Mother Nature. While Ego-dominated human beings generally even sin against Her.
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