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There exist two kinds of criticism, the one is constructive and the other destructive. You can either pay criticism in a way that helps another individual (or yourself) to see beyond the personal status quo. The way to do is, is to speak in an attitude of loving understanding and in recognition/acceptance of the other's personal truth. In this manner, the attention you are paying in form of your criticism is like the rays of the sun, which give shining warmth to the little flower on the ground trying hard to unfurl its bud. Or you can criticise in a way that makes the object of your criticism close down in hurt/anger/disillusionment/frustration because what you are saying is motivated purely by your Ego, which is caught in its limited and often prejudiced perspective.
Of course, no-one wants to hear the latter kind of criticism and still, we can hardly help reaping it from time to time, simply because there are still so many unenlightened individuals living in this world, who are victims of their personal lack of love. However, there is a way to take even the worst onslaught of criticism as a means to expand your love and to rise like a phoenix from the ashes. This is achieved by facing and overcoming your initial opposition- instead of fighting against it. Therefore it is vitally important, that you do not respond in any way upon the level of your Lower Self and its Ego. Instead lift your consciousness to the level of your Higher Self, from where you are in a position to view your aggressor with a compassionate heart.


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