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Independence is a word in high fashion these days due to the advertising business which is liberally using it to promote mobile services of all sorts. I believe that this is a misuse of the word, leading people astray and making it even more difficult for them to grasp its true meaning. The proclaimed so-called independence of mobile networks and the electronical/digital equiment that goes with it, is infact a trap designed to make you fall into. By believing in the slogans of the advertisements you are turning your-self into a hostage who accepts bondage to their services out of his own freewill. Most people do not even realize this and joyiously walk into their traps, actually believing them-selves free and independent. Only to sooner or later feel very stressed out and unable to relax for even a short space of time, because the compulsion to always be "on duty" for possible messages, calls, emails is sapping their strentgh unobservedly. However, the modern technological comforts also have their advantages and good usesgiven they are used responsibly and in awareness of their hidden dangers.
One could say that in the modern world of today true independence requires a high degree of personal discipline.
True Independence is an idenpendence of Spirit, which does not bind itself to material things, nor people, places, emotions, thoughts...


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