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The word "food" full of meaning. Its connotation reach far beyond its habitual use. Both in its literal and meatphorical sense, it stands for something nourishing either on a physical, emotional, mental or spiritual level. In the following I should like to share some thoughts on its physical aspect- although as you will soon see- it inevitably touches upon the other levels as well since we are intergaral beings.
In spiritual and occult circles it is generally held that food is weighing one down and should not be partaken of some time before a mediumistic/occult performance in which one aims at reaching highs of consciousness, or going deep down in case of trance states. And after a perfmance food is being used deliberately in order to bring one fully and effortlessly back in to the physical body. So we could say- food has a grounding effect because it keeps our physical vehicule occupied. The way I am seeing it- there is food to weigh you down and food to lift you up. And the same nutrients can have both effects- it all depends upon ones set of mind and consciousness in the eating. Conscious awareness can be employed to transform the food that is being eaten into pure energy- independent of its nutritonal qualities. Of course, there are some aliments which are clearly more suited to this pursuit and, some which offer themselves naturally for the extraction of energy because either due to their nutritional facts or due to the way they were produced/grown, they are already highly charged. Generally one could say, that the less porcessing has gone into its production (cooking non included) the mor energy it yields in the eating. The other important factor is Love, in the form of loving attention paid to it and gratitude for its existence. I would say, that with a loving and grateful attitude in its cosumption one can turn even the worst possible meal(i.e. McDonalds) into a feast that promotes ones health. Love and Gratitude towards whatever we are receiving in life truly are the keys to healthy living- healthy upon all levels of our integral existences. However the population at large is still very far away from this ideal. Anyway, this should not keep us from doing our best in setting new and ideal habits in the human collective- but rather spur us on. Because we in the Western world are so lucky as to actually get to chose daily the very best for our nourishment. Theoretically making it very easy to be grateful for it and to treat it lovingly because we did not have to starve or fight for it in order to get it.
Besides ones personal attitude towards the food and the eating of it,  another vital aspect to food, or rather the process of eating is your conscious awareness at the time. Usually distraction is being sought in the form of conversation/reading/watching TV etc which make it virtually impossible to concetrate on the act of eating. Or it  is exactly the other way round- eating is being sought as a distraction to keep one attion away from an occupation- usually mental/emotional processes. However if you pay full concetration upon the eating process it turns into a meditation capable of taking you to spiritual and sensual heights. The latter is obiously the enjoyment of its perceivable qualities like its texture/taste/smell etc. The first is more subtle but at least as rewarding. In this, you open up your higher senses by tuning into whatever it is you are partaking of. To give you a couple of practical examples: Try feeling its aforegone process of growth, by imagining the sun shining upon it, the rain falling down on it, the soil nourishing it. See the people who handled it before it got unto your table, be aware of its colours in your mouth and the benficinet effect they are having on you(because colours are energy, too!!) etc. The list is endless and I will leave it up to you to find out more about it...
Of course, sometimes we cannot know hwo the food had been handled before it got to us or we do know -and would rather not- because we are aware that there has been exploitation of sorts along its course of production. Still, if we pay it loving awareness and are in gratitude towards Our Maker for the Gift of Life and towards Our Mother Nature who is providing the ground, the soil, the bodies for the spiritual life, we can remedy even its previous history. Love and Light can resolve Darkness and Evil of any kind- always.


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