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Life is composed of action and re-action upon all levels of existence.
It has been said that each man and woman is potentially a star. So in being the master of your own personal universe, for each star is a sun with an appending universe of its own, you are holding the power to evoke changes within your own “universe”. Yours is one of the uncountable other “personal universes” which together are contained in the greater Universe, the Solar Logos. And as each part is going through an evolution of its own so is the Universe evolving through the transmutation of its parts.
The inherent movements within each “personal universe” create a unique rhythm, attracting and binding to its circumference those of a like or corresponding rhythm. Although all the “personal universes” are conditioned by the one of the Solar Logos of which they are parts, they themselves are the conditioners of their own personal system first.
Changes can only be wrought from within and from thence move outwards to the periphery, thus altering its rhythm and in turn attracting different, new elements to its circumference. Putting it differently; inward action causes re-action of its parts, which appears like an action to its surroundings, which in its turn re-acts upon it.
Alterations evoked in the rhythm of your own “universe” bear an impact upon its surrounding “universes” and in a lesser degree also upon the Great System of Existence. By changing the actions and re-actions within your own system of life you are simultaneously causing different action and re-actions in your immediate surroundings and thus attracting a new set of other free-moving parts.
This is why you can neither change other people nor the world by any outward action. However by changing your-self inwardly you will invariably evoke a change in the world and those around you.


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