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In the following I am going to expand a theory which might serve as a possible answer to the question of why our Souls would chose to come back to a life in Earth time after time. Now, in order to find approximate terms for the intrinsically complex system of Divine Intelligence we are living in and part of, whose complete understanding surpasses by far the comprehension of our human minds, a crude simplification of the whole is necessary.
The Divine Unity of Creation/God knows It-self through its parts. We, as Divine Sparks, form vital parts of this Unity. The structures of life in which this Divine Force/God manifests it-self are always repeated- in the greatest/highest, as well as in the smallest/lowest part of the Unity and no amount of life-force is ever wasted or lost, it only changes its form. (If you need an example to prove this: recall the cycle of the Water.) Its origin is the Divine Source/God. From there it flows forth eternally, from the highest Spiritual level of existance/consciousness down to the lowest and back up again. Thus forming an endless cycle of birth, life, death and desintergration. Our physical world in this case constituting the lowest level.
One could say, that we, as Spiritual beings incarnated into this world of dense matter in order to faciliate the return of the above mentioned life-force back to the Divine Source. Because in collecting experiences in the world of forms, we are evolving our-selves and simultaneaously involve the universe. Metaphorically speaking, if the Divine Source is the brightest Light imaginable, the physical sphere is the densest darkness, of course, with all the nuances of brightness/darkness inbetween. Developing this similae further; each grain of darkness that is being lived out by/through us consciously, is turned into Light. This is why personal enlightenment increases the sum total of consciuosness in the Divine Unity of Creation. Looking at it from this point of view, it is actually our duty to live as much as we can. And by "living" is not meant revelling in the reality of the Ego but time spent in the awareness of the Truth, that surpasses the purely subjective one.
How can the latter be attained? By loving your-self unconditionally in all that you are, were and ever shall be and in realizing your personal responsibility towards your-self and the Unity. Love and acceptance of what IS, will set the foundation upon which to build your own kingdom of Light, whose beauty is further enhanced by every experience made in this enlightened attitude.


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