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Dear reader, whatever you may have already heard or read about personal Spiritual Guides- it will have been experiences of someone else or of someone generalizing matters or quoting expamles originating from different sources. And what I am going to tell you, are only my own experiences. Unless you set out on your own quest and get to know YOUR own Spiritual Guide(s) and begin establishing a relationship with them- you can read as much as you like on this topic- without ever actually gaining any real knowledge. So I am hoping that maybe reading this account will inspire you to start out on your own adventure of getting to know your own Spiritual Guide(s) - should you be still hesitating on its threshold. Or if you have already started out on it, to investigate into this special relation-ship(s) a little further.
I am going to give a bit of general information on Spritual Guides first and will gradually move on to my own personal experiences. The theoretical knowledge has been passed on to me by teachers. However, I have since put it to the test my-self and it has been confirmed by my own experience.

As far as I have been taught, everyone is being allocated a personal Guide even before their incarnate into their present physical body. Some people have angels for their Guides but in general they are advanced souls who therefore are in a position to act as mentors to the living. This first personal Guide is the so-called "Gate Keeper" and remains with the one person until physical death occurs but may step into the background at times and let others take the lead for a while. Depending on the indiviuals path in life and development the current tasks at hand, there may be a whole group of them assisting the living for certain periods of time. Baisically, in whatever we do, the Spirit World is helping us in the best way they can in order to make our path as smooth as possible. Of course, this requires our willingness to listen and follow their advice.
One does not have to be a clair-voyant to be aware of ones Spiritual Guide(s). Anyone prepared to dedicate some time and effort and personal commitment can learn to sense his/her/their presence and form a personal relationship with them...
I am clair-voyant but still, I do not usually see my Guides. That is, I can see them if I feel like it but generally I am more interested in actually communicating with them. The means of communication with the Spirit World is telepathy. I mostly get their messages and impulses directly via my inner voice of Intuition. I like to take time early in the morning to blend wholly with their level of energy. This little exercise faciliates our communication during the rest of the day. With the additional effect of turning each day into a magical row of "coincidences". However, at times it occurs, that my attention is absorbed elsewhere and I am not listening to their directions. In those moments they are making them-selves noticeable by gently touching my hand or if I am still not heeding them, actually pinching me. Of course, only if an important reason calls for it, else they leave me lost in my occupation until I my-self feel like re-emerging from it.
To give you an example: while I have been writing this post, I was completely concetrated upon finding the appropriate sentences and correct wording to explain this quite complex topic of Personal Guides. In the course of it, I had utterly forgotten that I was actually meant to leave home at a certain hour for an appointment that day. Now just in time for me to be still be able to make it, I felt a tugging at my elbow and looking up, my gaze met the digital display of my clock.

Regarding my life, it is only relatively recently that I have learnt of the existance of Spiritual Guides. However, looking back, I can think of numerous turning-points upon my destiny's path, in which they have assisted me and directed my steps. It was always in those moments, where I wholly trusted and followed my "gut-feeling"- that "chance" had dealt me the greatest opportunities. And of course, I also recall instances, where the opposite has happened, when I resisted their subtle and unobtrusive guidance and- figuratively speaking,- banged my head against a wall... 
In every-day life, of course, we do not usually meet daily with vital turning-points of destiny- and yet, in a way, each single moment of our lives can be a turning-point of a kind. That is, if we chose to make it one. Since we have been given Free Will by our Maker, it is our own responsibility to make the right choices in our lives.

Should you now be asking your-self the question: "what is the point in getting attuned to my Spiritual Guide(s)?" There are several possible answers I can think of:
a)Developing and refining your sensitivity.
b)Creating a contrast to, and thus balancing out, the mainly Mind-oriented reality society dictates.
c)Finding a new friend/friends and forming a relation-ship that will last your whole life and even beyond.
d)Enhancing the fun-factor in your every-day life, for I can tell you from my own experience, they have a great sense of humour.
e)Rendering their task to assist and guide you easier and actually create more opportunities for them to be there for you faciliating your journey through this world of dense matter.
And I am sure there are many more points which speak for forging close a friend-ship with Spiritual Guides, but I will leave it up to you to find them out for your-self:-)


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