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All things are here-now and can only be Now because, time is but a mirror in which your progress of consciousness is reflected. It could thus be said, that time and place are a wholly subjective experience. If your consciousness is burdened and obscured by feelings, thoughts and impressions of the senses arising unconsciously and/or personal identification with them, you will feel the restrictions of time and place weighing heavily upon you and your daily existance. Whereas if your consciousness is highly atuned to the reality of Divine Light, Love and Truth, it casts no more tangible reflections in the mirror of time and place. Time and place, having thus lost their substance for you, will become a reality which no longer hinders your Spirit's progress in this world of matter. Living in the eternal Now and having realized the power lying therein, you have become its master.
Divine Love, Light and Truth only exist in here-now. Therfore, identification with your thoughts and accompanying physical sensations and feelings invariably lures you away from the present moment because they are either conditioned by memories of the past or dreams/anticipation for the future. In identifying your-self with them, you either become lost in the sphere of the Mind, or Body, or Feelings or a mixture. However, in every single moment of your existance you possess Free Will. Meaning, you always have a choice of decision and it is up to you to seize it right here and now and to change the pattern of your consciousness.


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