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Truth, or rather the approximation of truth, which can be grasped by our limited human understanding, is always multi-dimensional and mulit-layered. Thus it is that by explaining things and occurrences away rationally only you are not only missing its most vital aspects but you are also depriving yourself of the wealth of wisdom contained in it.  The deeper you are delving into yourself in the search of the full truth, the closer you are approaching to the mystery of God and life through the understanding of your own Self.
Of course in everyday life you cannot always meditate upon each and every aspect of your personal life because there are usually to many demands made upon your time and attention. However it pays off well to mediate upon matters which appear to repeat themselves in your life. You might believe that you are making no progress in the course of it because the mind is unable to register anything tangible. But rest assured that whatever you are turning your concentration upon in the sincere wish to enlighten it by your love, is being transformed and thus solved.


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