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Do you know the story of the young man who is seeing the woman he loves every day at work. However, because he is afraid that his love might be turned down by her he never dares confessing his love to her and from fear that his love might be detected he is showing her his cold shoulder. Suddenly one day he is seeing her no more and later finds out from a common colleague that she has gone to live on the other side of the world because she used to love him very much and his indifferent behaviour had been to much for her to bear any longer.
It is taking him a long time to recover from this shock. The female colleague who had been the news-bearer is being there for him, patiently bearing his moods. And gradually he is coming to look upon her as a friend and to finally realize that she is really just as dear to him as the other one used to be. And having learnt from his prior mistake he is showing her his love and one day even makes an open confession of it. And since she has always loved him they are united and living happily ever after.

It is never too late to change yourself, your way of behaviour or your life. However  the longer you are hesitating to take the necessary steps to bring about positive changes the more difficult it is becoming for you to overcome the resistance caused by your inertia. And if you are waiting for too long the existing opportunities for change will vanish one day. Still, your pathway to self-transformation is never entirely locked because even if some passages close, there are always new ones appearing to replace them. But the difficulty then is to let go your conviction that all hopes are lost because you lost the opportunities you knew you used to have due to having waited for too long. It is often difficult to open up your mind to recognize those that have appeared in their stead and are only waiting for you to see and seize them.


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