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In little children the Divine is still uppermost in their being. They have not yet been taught to hide their true nature, which is Light. Life has not yet taught them to dissemble their beauty and their eyes radiate in purity and innocence, touching the hearts of all those who meet their gaze. Their limbs are still soft and bendable because they have not yet had the chance to develop the Personality inhabiting this physical body along with its Mind.
The clarity of their eyes reflect a personality, whose emotions have not yet been troubled by disappointments. The purity found in their gaze, portray a Mind still free of prejudices and beliefs. And the innocence therein, stemming from the fact that they hold no preconceived expecations regarding life but are open to marvel at anything presented to them. The Light radiating throughout their being is there, because simply being alive makes it feel accepted and loved.
However, because they are highly sensitive and receptive so all influences, the longer they are living in the world, the more their inner Light is yielding to the domineering conditionings inherent in their enviroment. Yet, Light being stronger than Darkness, the Light remains on the surface until the influence of the emotional, mental und physical education of worldy life is becoming too strong. Only then, does it withdraw it-self to the innermost centre, the heart. There it lays dormant, venturing out exclusively in moments where its appertaining personality feels it-self accepted and loved.
Therefore, the more unconditional love a child is experiencing in the course of its up-bringing, the less impenetrable the layer created by the personality covering the inner Light.
Although by looking at the world, it may seem, that the radiance of the Light inherent in every human-being's heart, has diminished in brilliance, this is not the case. Behind all the fighting, be it on a personal level or an international one, lies in truth always the personality's fear of not being accepted and not loved.
One could say, that the fighting is initially motivated by the natural desire of the inner Light to shine forth, that has become grossly distorted by the fear-conditioned personality part of human-beings, who require to feel loved and accepted in order to let it be seen. However, because the ultimate source of Love lies at the heart of all things alive, Love cannot possibly be found in the exterior world and no amount fighting is going to change this.
Therefore, ceasing to fight in the vain hope of securing and gaining love and acceptance from the world, instead turning within, finding your inner Light and recognizing its connection to the source of all Love there, causes the realization that because you are alive, hence you must also be loved and accepted.
Living in this new awareness of always being loved and accepted unconditionally, will cause your personality-self by and by, or possibliy very suddenly, to shed its accumulated layers of fear and conditionings. Enabling your true nature, to become uppermost in your being once more. And the thus re-discovered Light is going to illuminate your eyes from within and reflecting in the world around you, making it shine also.

Since your true nature is pure and innocent Light, you can revert to it at any given moment in life.


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