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Every single part in the Divine Union of Creation, must be active and passive in equal measures in order to remain in existance. Only in the Divine Source itself the two opposites are united.
Upon every level of life, the parts in being created, receive life-force from above by being receptive, and in turn acting actively them-selves, they give rise to creation upon a lower arch of manifestation. With each new level thus created, life becomes more intricately complex, due to the preceeding steps that are being built upon. The physical world lies at the very bottom of this evolutionary line. Yet "line" is not the most accurate term really, because evolution moves not in lines but in endless cycles.
Although our being is extremely complex, it can be split up into four major levels, namely, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Whereby the more obvious nature of the first and second is passive, versus the other two that are predominantly active. However within each one, the opposite aspect is there, too. To give you a couple of examples: the thoughts give rise to the emotions, the emotions in turn stimulate certain reactions in the physical body, the latter influencing the process of thoughts. Our spiritual part ist receptive towards the influence of the Divine Source, yet acts actively in regards to our personality etc.
A harmoniouos existance in Earth is only possible if you are active and passive, giving and receiving in equal measures upon all levels of your being. In every other form of life, save the human-beings, the active and passive tendencies are naturally co-existing in harmony. The factor that is causing the unbalance in human-beings, -with the exception of those few who are living in perfect surrender to the Divine Love and Light,-  is their freewill, because instead of following the path foreseen for them in the Divine plan like the rest of the Creation is doing, their Ego-oriented Mind is directing them after its own motives, which usually work against the natural laws. Thereby in the first instance causing disharmony within them-selves and secondly in the Divine Unity of Creation, due to the interconnectedness of all life.
The cycles of active and passive that are existing upon every level of manifestaion, because "as above, so below," can be likened to the process of breathing. The intake of breath being the active side, the breathing out the passive. Life can only be, where there is this flowing interchange. The most obvious example is your physical existance, which begins with an intake of breath and ends with a last outward breath, with the continuous interchange of breathing in-between. It is your breathing that forms the most obvious cycle of the two inherent extreemes. Although strictly speaking, they are subdivided in them-selves because viewed from a different level; the intake of breath can also be likened to a receiving of life-force, which of course, is a passive action, and the breathing out, giving expression, active.
I believe, that in the present state of evolution, be it consciously or subconsciously, every human-being is striving to achieve a state of complete harmony upon all levels of being. Theoretically, in order to achieve this, it suffices to subjugate your Ego to the guidance of Divine Intuition, in other words: to align personal freewill to the one of the Divine, and consequently the other parts of your being would, in turn, naturally balance them-selves out as well. However in practise, it is seldom as easy as that, due to the layers of subconscious that have accumulated durig prior incarnations of Ego-Mind dominated existance. Upon being suddenly exposed to the increased factor of inner light, repressed tendencies surface inexpectantly, aggravating the Ego and tempting you to fall back into former habits. Thus, a high and strong resolve, and an unfailing love and faith is required to work your way through the resistance.
The most effectual "weapon" to put the Ego out of its power, while at the same time creating harmony between your mind, body and the emotions, is to breath deeply in a regular rythm. This yields the additional effect of rooting your awareness in the here-now and putting you into touch with the natural flow of life through the body. This method of deep breathing can be employed in any situation and especially in the difficult ones it will prove most beneficient and restorative.


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