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Showing posts from February, 2012


A fear that you are carrying around with you, which instead of facing it, you are trying to negate by turning the other way or keep on making excuses for your-self or blaming others in order to detract from it, is like having an ache in your body, which you studiously ignore. However, it does not go away by it-self but rather grows worse because the rest of your body is having to compensate with the effect of getting more and more distorted and the morginal cause getting hidden amongst the ensuing symptoms. Until the day comes where you are deciding to recognize and acknowledge that there is something not right, you will be caught in this cramped style of living. The willingness to look it in the face puts you into the power to make actual changes and to work towards solving the real problem. Maybe, as it has been going on for so long you will need someone to help you unravel the bonds of ignorance you have wound around you because you for your-self are incapable to see where to start,...


Everything you have been given, serves a higher purpose and is not an end in it-self. Mistaking it for one, you are not only limiting your-self unnecessarily but also hindering your souls progress. Experiences are meant to unfold you rpersonal potential and uniqueness and to teach you to develop your gifts and to combine them so as to enhance their beauty and usefulness. Taking this up to a higher level, the humanity as a whole, it is the same. Every cognition, every revelation, every discovery made in the world, in society, reveals a further aspect of the whole, is yet another brick in the Divine creation. In the history of the unfoldment of humankind it is the Mind, inspired by the Spirit, that plays the leading role. Yet being still regularly mistaken for the end it-self and distruction, distortion and suffering are caused as by-products. The Mind in its right place is an inspiring incentive to the development of life with an inherent potential for genius.


Whereas in the physical reality it is generally achnowledged that in order to get to the other side of a dark tunnel you have to walk straight into and through it, in the emotional/mental sphere this is not the case. Here, the commom behaviour is to dodge dark corners, to run away or hide from them in the vain hope they might disappear on their own account- which of course they do not. On the contrary, ignoring them usually only serves to increase their gravity because your inner resistance against them grows. The longer you detain from facing troubles, the heavier they seem to become. I am certain, that just as often as not, you will find that if you tackle seemingly difficult situations right away, they are not unpleasant at all. Whatever is in the light, is what it is, things lying hidden in the dark, on the other hand, often appear worse than they actually are because your fear of the unknown distorts them. Therefore next time you are catching your-self in turning away from a feel...


Every single part in the Divine Union of Creation, must be active and passive in equal measures in order to remain in existance. Only in the Divine Source itself the two opposites are united. Upon every level of life, the parts in being created, receive life-force from above by being receptive, and in turn acting actively them-selves, they give rise to creation upon a lower arch of manifestation. With each new level thus created, life becomes more intricately complex, due to the preceeding steps that are being built upon. The physical world lies at the very bottom of this evolutionary line. Yet "line" is not the most accurate term really, because evolution moves not in lines but in endless cycles. Although our being is extremely complex, it can be split up into four major levels, namely, the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Whereby the more obvious nature of the first and second is passive, versus the other two that are predominantly active. However within each on...


A true teacher does not dictate what you are to believe -and even when talking to you of his/her beliefs, he/she is leaving it up to you, whether you make them yours, too, or not. He/she does not tell you how to live your life, instead encourages you to trust more in your own way. Listening to his/her words, ought to enhance and diversify your view on life - and not narrow it down by imposing limitations and exclusions upon you. Although association with him/her, might at intevalls make your life seem more difficult than before, due to the accelerated process of consciousness development taking place within you, on the whole it should be an inspiring experience, one that puts you in touch with true your-self, one that opens your perception to the magic of life.


Life is eternal change and continuous movement. It is an endlessly circling, spiralling created by expansion of consciousness. Living connected to the natural flow of life, gives you the impression that your personal life, too, is an upwards turning spiral. Although it is a circling movement, you are continually moving onwards, because each time you are reaching the same station again, it is an arch higher up than the last time. A sensation of boredom, therefore, has no occasion to creep in, because your life is re-newed afresh with each passing moment. Boredom can only be, where there is stagnation in life, it is a purely personal feeling induced by your Mind. The Mind being your only faculty that is not naturally attuned to the process of life and therefore the only part in a position to stagnate. Be this felt as sensation that you are not moving from the spot at all in life, or that you are moving in a circle where sooner or later you are always back in exactly the same place, ma...


Life force/ Divine Energy is innocent. The colour of white is often being called innocent because it is still complete and not yet fractured into the colours lying hidden within it. Likewise, an expanse of snow is sometimes being termed innocent, not simly for its pristine whiteness  but also because it still is tracesless Innocence in an individual defines an attitude of neutral openness towards life, that is unpolarized by the conditioned thinking of the Mind and unbiased by prior emotional and physical experiences. Innocence, therefore, is only possible in an individual who has freed its personality-self from all traces of either past experiences, expectations of the future or Ego-based desires. It comes as an natural by-product of inner harmony and wholeness. Of course, living in the world of dense matter you can neither help thinking nor making emotional and physical experiences with every passing instant. However, you always have a choice, whether you want to hold on t...


In little children the Divine is still uppermost in their being. They have not yet been taught to hide their true nature, which is Light. Life has not yet taught them to dissemble their beauty and their eyes radiate in purity and innocence, touching the hearts of all those who meet their gaze. Their limbs are still soft and bendable because they have not yet had the chance to develop the Personality inhabiting this physical body along with its Mind. The clarity of their eyes reflect a personality, whose emotions have not yet been troubled by disappointments. The purity found in their gaze, portray a Mind still free of prejudices and beliefs. And the innocence therein, stemming from the fact that they hold no preconceived expecations regarding life but are open to marvel at anything presented to them. The Light radiating throughout their being is there, because simply being alive makes it feel accepted and loved. However, because they are highly sensitive and receptive so all influenc...


I see snow and ice as Divine energy that has been rendered visible, by having taken on a physical form. Although, being clair-voyant, I am used to seeing the Divine life force in the form of light, when it appears in dense matter, I can fell its power even more distinctly. It is, as if my bodily cells are reacting directly to it with a sensation of hightened energy, while in its form of pure light, my consciuosnes awareness is sometimes necessary in order to feel it. Also, to me, all the pure whiteness falling from the skies and covering the Earth calls to mind, that every part of Mother Nature- our own selves included,- are made up of these microscopic, crystaline structures, of which each one is simultaneously similar to the like ones, yet magnificantly and magically unique in it-self. And just like a big snow-flake constitutes of uncountable tiny star-structures, so is every other form of life, too, an accumulation of minuscule crystaline structures. In fact, snow-flakes could actu...


Seeing God as all-powerful and the highest Good there IS, he cannot possibly want His children to suffer and to live in darkness, hence it must be the human-beings who, having been given the gift of Free Will, have chosen this kind of existance for them-selves. Therefore, the responsibility and the power to release the Evil in the form of suffering and darkness, lies within each man and woman alone. It is a misbelief that suffering is an inescapable option in earthly life and a growing number of individuals are proving it, by living in this world of Duality in a state of inner freedom, love and peace. However, nothing in the Divine plan is superfluous and even the suffering and darkness have their place in it, constituting the polar opposites of health and consciousness/light. The usual way of human-beings to be able to consciously recognize both sides of life in duality is by living alternately in both extremes until they decide to quit this "game of good and evil". And by...


Believing that "God has created human-kind after His own likeness" and God, being omnipotent regarding His Creation/Universe, and bearing also in mind that each "man is a universe onto him-self", it logically follows, that this must likewise apply to every human-being. With the implication, that true change in an indiviual, can therefore only be provoked by each one for him-/her-self. And according to the universal law, which states that any form of life always grows from the centre outwards towards the periphery, this change must take place directly within the self.


The initial desire for a partner should not arise from a feeling of a personal lack of love, but rather from the feeling, that you are carrying so much love and joy within your-self, that you feel the need to share it with somebody else. The first motive for seeking a partner, that is if your search should prove succesfull, will most probably end in a one-sided or mutal disillusionment/frustration, whereas the second will effect a shared sensation of love doubled or even mulitiplied in strength. The same applies to the motivation behind wanting to maintain a current relation-ship. Are you clinging on to your partner because you are afraid to be on your own/need someone to make you feel accepted and loved/to listen to your complaints etc? Or is it rather because you love the way you can both be with each other without having to dissemble your-selves, and this is making your mutual love and respect for the other grow even further? The first has a hindering effect in your everyday life, ...


The four desires most people seem to have in common, are the want to remedy their past, the hope for a better future, the wish to change their lives and setting the world to rights. The only effective way to achieve all four of them, is to recognize the potential of power lying hidden in the here-now and learning to use it. Realizing that the choice is always your own, if you wish to lose your-self in the figments your Mind is creating or rather to immerse your-self in the present moment and whether you want to concentrate on the good or the bad inherent therein. Changing your attitude towards your-self and your life as what they ARE, contrary to what your Mind used to make you believe of them, instantaneously creates a transformation to the better. And with each time you are chosing to the seize the opportunities inherent in the here-now, you are by and by, -or possibly even very suddenly,- changing your-self upon all levels of your being. With the additional effect of not only render...