You can know your fellow men only as far as you are aware of your-self, because whoever you meet with represents aspects of you. The law of attraction applies to all realms of our existance. "Like attracts like", even if at times it might seem to us rather "like attracts the opposite". But since the opposity being the invisible other half of the same coin, it still is the same, although for most it might not appear thus.
For as long as you hold on to false ideas and illusionary truths of your-self and others, time and time again you will find your-alf disappointed, hurt and deceived in your expectations of other people and circumstances.
Therefore it is an impossibility to change other people or your circumstances in life for the better without first changing, transforming your-self. "Change" in this context encompassing personal growth and development. In doing so you might at times believe that you had understood your "mistake" the previous time, yet before you know it you are caught up in the same scenario again. This will happen for as long as you only become aware of your-self once you are already in the situation. It will cease to re-occur once you are conscious of your own truth before the situation actually arises because then you will have the choice in direction of your actions.
The outward world and the people we meet with being all reflections of our-selves and what we believe in, therefore nothing but reflections of our expectations and beliefs, the power is all yours- and only yours- to change your own world and by so doing the bearing an influence in the development of the sum total of all existance.
Once you have come to know your own Truth and learnt to hear and listen to the voice of your heart/Divine inutition, you will find your-self in a position from which you have a choice always. The choice to act either in conformity with the ideals and beliefs of the majority of people or to follow and live according to your own Truth. The latter requiring courage, strength and Faith makes it very difficult to ahere to and linve up to. How much easier it is to simply live in a make-believe world of phantasies instead, even though it has its short-somings and unpleasant moments. Because at first, until your enviroment and the people you associate with have become adapted to the "new" - or rather the "true" you, you will mett with many an awkward situation. Living according to your own Truth may seem to make ou out-sider in the eyes of the world and the society at large. But this only for as long as you, your-self still care about their opinions. Once you have freed your-self even from that, this will no longer impinge on your consciuosness and automatically you will meet with people who are like you on the path of purfication of the Mind. For indeed thinking, speaking and acting always in alignment with your own Truth not only brings you into your own power and thus in synchronisity with the Divine flow of life but also has the effect of purifying your whole being progressively. This again affects your surroundings and fellow beings. It is like lightening a torch which then passes in the illuminating fire to all other torches it comes into contact with. Some might be more difficult to enflame and most reluctant to shine than other, but in the end they cannot help it - unless they have turned away and left beforehand. For this too will invariably happen when you change and grow in your awareness. People you believed for years to have been your close friends will suddenly disappear from your life, whereas others are coming into focus you never noticed before.
Negating and fighting against circustances and not accepting the people surrounding you is like looking into the mirror telling your-self that the reflection you are seeing is someone else. For as long as you adhere to this false belief you and your life cannot change. In so doing you hinder your-self from growing in awareness because you are too afraid of looking at the Truth and the actual facts. Facing them and accepting them as part of you, however, is the first step required in order to be able to move forward and onwards in life, which can be equalled with recognition and enlightenment of the self. How cann you change a picture you are in the progress of painting if you refuse to look at the canvas to see what you have painted so far? In the full knowledge that you are its creator and therefore responsible for whatever you see there?
However, when you overcome this barrier of Fear, created by you Ego-Mind, and become fully aware of your-self and turn to the Truth of which yours is a part, you will exceed your own expectations of your-self. Because the Truth will make you shine radiantly, it will enable you to grow into your full potential and make you see the world as the wonderful and magic place it truly is.
For as long as you hold on to false ideas and illusionary truths of your-self and others, time and time again you will find your-alf disappointed, hurt and deceived in your expectations of other people and circumstances.
Therefore it is an impossibility to change other people or your circumstances in life for the better without first changing, transforming your-self. "Change" in this context encompassing personal growth and development. In doing so you might at times believe that you had understood your "mistake" the previous time, yet before you know it you are caught up in the same scenario again. This will happen for as long as you only become aware of your-self once you are already in the situation. It will cease to re-occur once you are conscious of your own truth before the situation actually arises because then you will have the choice in direction of your actions.
The outward world and the people we meet with being all reflections of our-selves and what we believe in, therefore nothing but reflections of our expectations and beliefs, the power is all yours- and only yours- to change your own world and by so doing the bearing an influence in the development of the sum total of all existance.
Once you have come to know your own Truth and learnt to hear and listen to the voice of your heart/Divine inutition, you will find your-self in a position from which you have a choice always. The choice to act either in conformity with the ideals and beliefs of the majority of people or to follow and live according to your own Truth. The latter requiring courage, strength and Faith makes it very difficult to ahere to and linve up to. How much easier it is to simply live in a make-believe world of phantasies instead, even though it has its short-somings and unpleasant moments. Because at first, until your enviroment and the people you associate with have become adapted to the "new" - or rather the "true" you, you will mett with many an awkward situation. Living according to your own Truth may seem to make ou out-sider in the eyes of the world and the society at large. But this only for as long as you, your-self still care about their opinions. Once you have freed your-self even from that, this will no longer impinge on your consciuosness and automatically you will meet with people who are like you on the path of purfication of the Mind. For indeed thinking, speaking and acting always in alignment with your own Truth not only brings you into your own power and thus in synchronisity with the Divine flow of life but also has the effect of purifying your whole being progressively. This again affects your surroundings and fellow beings. It is like lightening a torch which then passes in the illuminating fire to all other torches it comes into contact with. Some might be more difficult to enflame and most reluctant to shine than other, but in the end they cannot help it - unless they have turned away and left beforehand. For this too will invariably happen when you change and grow in your awareness. People you believed for years to have been your close friends will suddenly disappear from your life, whereas others are coming into focus you never noticed before.
Negating and fighting against circustances and not accepting the people surrounding you is like looking into the mirror telling your-self that the reflection you are seeing is someone else. For as long as you adhere to this false belief you and your life cannot change. In so doing you hinder your-self from growing in awareness because you are too afraid of looking at the Truth and the actual facts. Facing them and accepting them as part of you, however, is the first step required in order to be able to move forward and onwards in life, which can be equalled with recognition and enlightenment of the self. How cann you change a picture you are in the progress of painting if you refuse to look at the canvas to see what you have painted so far? In the full knowledge that you are its creator and therefore responsible for whatever you see there?
However, when you overcome this barrier of Fear, created by you Ego-Mind, and become fully aware of your-self and turn to the Truth of which yours is a part, you will exceed your own expectations of your-self. Because the Truth will make you shine radiantly, it will enable you to grow into your full potential and make you see the world as the wonderful and magic place it truly is.
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