One way of looking at life, which might help to render it easier for you to accept what it is dealing you with, especiallyn difficult times, is to see it as one long, big adventure story. A fabulous journey through a world of physical form in planet Earth. An adventure whose outlines and set challenges you once gave your assent to, although you have most probably forgotten all about it through the process of your physical birth. Like in a adventure story, you never know what awaits you around the next turning or the next moment. To look the situation plainly in the face, to accept the challenge it is offering you and to work your way through it, is much the easier choice than either to try and avoid it and as a result finding your-self time and time again faced by like circumstances in various succeeding situations. Because each time you refuse to meet it, it gains gravity and import is added to it, rendering in more unsurmountable. However, this is only true on a subjective level due to your initial fear growing. Or than realizing it, half-heartedly accepting to deal with it, but all the way wishing you had not or thinking of a million options out or listening to other people's instructions and opinions with the effect of confusing you. However, turning to others when being at a loss on how to proceed on you own for inspiration with the end of finding out more about your-self can be helpful.
Unlike in a serious adventure however, you always have the opportunity to take time out in which to recover and recuperate- even though you might not yet be aware of this. It is achieved by mentally and emotionally extracting your-self from the situation at hand, taking a step back and viewing your-self and your life objectively. As if you were only a neutral spectator, watching a screen hero/heroine battling his/her way through a film with a happy ending. A happy ending made possible because the protagonist has currageously faced all the apparently unsurmountable challenges and difficulties on the way and thus proved him-/her-self to be more resistant and wiser than you, and he/she had believed to be at the out-set of the story.
However, remember always: In life to be weak and bendable out-wardly proves inner strength and wisdom.
In this image of life being an adventurous journey, imagine every single person having his/her own personal story to live and full-fill in the same place as you are. On your way, you will always meet those who find them-selves currently in an identical situation or challenge as you, although this is might not be outwardly obvious and recognizable. And you will pass your time with them for as long as your inner/outer paths correspond with each other. Once this period is over each should let go and let the other go his/her way because clinging on further only hinders both your own and the others progress in life. The same obviously applying to locations and occupations. Unless you achieve to transform them along and in harmony with your own personal development.
Another option to view your life would be to compare it to a endless succession of modern fantasy computer games. One in which you are both the player and the hero/heroine of the games. At the beginning of each you get to chose beforehand the type of advenure quest, along with it set task. Selecting a seemingly appropriate character from the choice offer and deciding upon its appertaining assets and props, the setting where you want to start out from and its degree of difficulty. It is also up to you to decide which other players you want on your own team and with whom else you wish to play with. However, different from the digital world, it is not the computer, but you your-self who totes up the scores at the end. The score total of each game deciding the beginning level of the succeeding round. Just like its similae on screen, you can always take a break from the game by detaching your-self by way of the above-mentioned method.
Unlike in a serious adventure however, you always have the opportunity to take time out in which to recover and recuperate- even though you might not yet be aware of this. It is achieved by mentally and emotionally extracting your-self from the situation at hand, taking a step back and viewing your-self and your life objectively. As if you were only a neutral spectator, watching a screen hero/heroine battling his/her way through a film with a happy ending. A happy ending made possible because the protagonist has currageously faced all the apparently unsurmountable challenges and difficulties on the way and thus proved him-/her-self to be more resistant and wiser than you, and he/she had believed to be at the out-set of the story.
However, remember always: In life to be weak and bendable out-wardly proves inner strength and wisdom.
In this image of life being an adventurous journey, imagine every single person having his/her own personal story to live and full-fill in the same place as you are. On your way, you will always meet those who find them-selves currently in an identical situation or challenge as you, although this is might not be outwardly obvious and recognizable. And you will pass your time with them for as long as your inner/outer paths correspond with each other. Once this period is over each should let go and let the other go his/her way because clinging on further only hinders both your own and the others progress in life. The same obviously applying to locations and occupations. Unless you achieve to transform them along and in harmony with your own personal development.
Another option to view your life would be to compare it to a endless succession of modern fantasy computer games. One in which you are both the player and the hero/heroine of the games. At the beginning of each you get to chose beforehand the type of advenure quest, along with it set task. Selecting a seemingly appropriate character from the choice offer and deciding upon its appertaining assets and props, the setting where you want to start out from and its degree of difficulty. It is also up to you to decide which other players you want on your own team and with whom else you wish to play with. However, different from the digital world, it is not the computer, but you your-self who totes up the scores at the end. The score total of each game deciding the beginning level of the succeeding round. Just like its similae on screen, you can always take a break from the game by detaching your-self by way of the above-mentioned method.
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