Nothing you ever do in life is wrong or should better have been left undone. Unless you your-self judge and believe it to be wrong or superfluous and therby are rendering it so. Because every moment of your existance you are creating your own reality and you always have the free will and choice. However, if you feel that you made a mistake, try to do it better next time. Maybe there are situations where you feel that if you had chosen differently you might have reached your goal sooner and saved your-self some trouble? But this seems only superficially so, because whatever you are here for to experience and learn in this life, you will have to go through in one way or another and ultimately it makes no difference if you take the apparently longer routes or the short ones. The only thing that truly matters in the end, is the quality you give to every moment of living by your inherent attitude and intent. Love, Light and Truth should guide your every step. Therfore, strive for conscious awareness at all times, which endows you with an objective perspective of all that you are and do.
There is always a way out of any situation in life. If at times you feel there is none it is because you are staring straight ahead believing to be infallibly sure of your next step. Instead of allowing yourself the possibility to turn around a walk back a few steps from whence you came from and simply observe your prior position from this little distance. Or to look left and right instead of believing there is only one possible direction in which it is possible to walk in - or that you must go that way and no other for some reason.
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