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Showing posts from September, 2011


Transformation can only happen from within. This is why no amount of reading and studying wise books and literature has a further effect than to temporarily give you the illusion of knowing. Yet it does enhance the mind and render it more open, given you are of a dispostion willing to learn and grow. True growth of consciousness demands the willingness to venture forth into the unknown and unknowable, solely on Faith that the experiences you make along that path have valitity, although to the world they might appear non-existant and even you your-self might doubt them at times.


For as long as you are identifying your-self with your mind, emotions and body, the "I" is a very unpredictable authority, because for one thing your thoughts are constantly changing and fluctuating between two extremes. Secondly they are hardly ever in correlation with your emotions and body. As often as not, the three of them all have their own way and even if in harmony at times, you are never sure when one of them might break out again. The over-all effect being that "you" are in turn happy/sad/certain/confused etc. Plus, there is life and the people you are sharing it with, to be taken into the account too, which in this state of (un-)consciousness rarely appear rarely reliable and constantly peaceful either. Upon becoming conscious of your lower self including its thoughts, emotions and body, realization dawns on you, that you are in fact neither your mind, nor body nor emotions, but the neutral spectator, witnessing all that is going on in the within and wi...


The only way to move forward in life, is to accept the change it invariably confronts you with. The only way to be happy in life, is to embrace unconditionally all this might entail. Overcoming all Fears and instead to use the fluctuating changes to expand your love, to widen your understanding and to deepen your consciousness.


Being at one with all there IS, the illusion of separateness disappears. Or rather, you recognize your Mind constantly occupied with creating divisions all around and within you, but no longer believing in them. Your awareness of the Unity, and your-self being an integral part of it, has become more dominant, filling you with a sensation of unconditional Bliss. Even the stars high up in heaven, which had always seemed so far away before, suddenly feel as close to you as your own Self.  And the axiom "as above so below" is no longer a theory to you but a reality because you can actually sense every cell of your physical body being a universe in it-self.


All sense of time disappears when you truly ARE in the here-now. This state is different from the periods of mental concentration, whereby the forgetting of the time is induced by your Mind being targeted upon and lost in a particular task, while your body is doing something else with you being mostly unconscious of it. The disappearence of vertical time in your consciuosness of life, on the other hand, happens because you are linked up with vertical reality. In which you are not only fully aware of your-self on every level, physically, emotionally, spiritually and mentally but also of the life taking place around you. Although at this point of your spiritual development the external life will most probably have begun to merge with the reality perceived within.


Giving and receiving Love is our natural state of being- or should be according to the Divine will foreseen for us. Because it is in this state, that we are simultaneously at one within our-selves, as well as in perfect alignment and synchronisity with His will, - and hence also with the Unity of Creation we are part of.


One way of looking at life, which might help to render it easier for you to accept what it is dealing you with, especiallyn difficult times, is to see it as one long, big adventure story. A fabulous journey through a world of physical form in planet Earth. An adventure whose outlines and set challenges you once gave your assent to, although you have most probably forgotten all about it through the process of your physical birth. Like in a adventure story, you never know what awaits you around the next turning or the next moment. To look the situation plainly in the face, to accept the challenge it is offering you and to work your way through it, is much the easier choice than  either to try and avoid it and as a result finding your-self time and time again faced by like circumstances in various succeeding situations. Because each time you refuse to meet it, it gains gravity and import is added to it, rendering in more unsurmountable. However, this is only true on a subjective level...


Learn to become like a tree. Firmly rooted in Mother Earth, with a solid trunk of a soft, ever expanding heart centre and a resistant exterior, able to face all storms. With branches and twigs agile and bendable, though resilient to the constantly blowing winds of change. A crown high enough to oversee all that is happening to you below from a bird's perspective, and at the same time connecting you to the higher realms of existance, drawing energy therefrom, as well as through your roots plated deeply in the nurturing soil.


The whole of this Divine Creation is inter-connected by an invisible grid of Light, that is: invisible to the physical human eyes at least. The human species has largely lost the ability to move along these lines of power, which the ancient races still knew about and understood how to utilize. Birds travel along those lines, indeed all instinctual beings do. The universe is like an orchestra producing heavenly melodies consisting of innoumerous different voices all joined together and directed by one conductor, God, over-seeing all. In this, every sphere and every single part, moving at a particular rate of vibration creates a unique sound. The harmonies thus created are destined to render all parties involved, conscious of the others, in order to lift them all up to even greater heights. The mind of human-kind has been, and still is, standing in the way of this unified harmony. Instead of joining in joyfully, the mind is either still completely ignorant of the will and Love of Divine...


Residing in the silence of your heart you are whole, at home and as one with the Divine. In that place you can feel that although you are a unique being apparently existing seperate from the rest of this Creation, you are also at one with all that IS.


If you know how to let Life be what it truly is, it becomes like a magic treasure box full of surprises, presenting you with uniquelly special moments. All experiences you witness will turn into an endless string of pearls, each one shining in a different hue. Little children are still tuned to this truth, seeing the world with eyes full of wonderment. Therefore they are very easy to make surprises to becaus they are literally expecting the unexpected and are ready to be amazed and enratured by the seemingly smallest things and happenings. Whereas few adults let them-selves be surpprised becaus ethey have become conditioned by their minds, believing they know everything and for the greatest part, too wrapped up in thoughts of past experiences and their set expectaions of the future to truly notice and be aware of the Here-Now.


Whenever you leave a person/relation-ship/place/job behind, you should look back and try to see what lessons about life and your-self you have been taught by them. Because there is invariably one- else you would not be feeling the urge to move on. Unless the leaving/changing/departing happens because you feel you cannot bear it any longer, in which case it is a kind of flight. But even then- these situations give you ample material for rumination and help you in finding the root cause within you. Maybe you will unearth in the process of searching inwardly a deeply hidden fear, which instinctively makes you do things in life that hurt not only your own feelings but other people's, too? Whatever it is that you may find within your own personality- treat it with respect, compassion and loving acceptance. Nothing is too terrible to be faced and looked at in broad day-light, given that it is  viewed objectively and free from distortion and exaggeration caused by the fear- driven Ego-Mi...


To recognize that we are all children of God, born out of Mother Earth not only makes us remember that we are all equals, deriving from the same source but also brings us into touch with our Essential Self, the part in us, which is of Truth, Innocence and Purity


When your Mind is restless, wanting to know where to direct the feet,  listen to your Heart, it is telling you: Be still. Devote your-self to the present tasks. Have Faith, that when the time is right, you will inevitably know, because I will guide your feet intuitively where they need to go.


Time and time again, for as long as we are living in this body, Life presents us with opportunities to overcome the barriers our Mind tries to put up around us and to pay no heed to the clamourings of our fear-based thoughts calling for attention. Instead to immerse our-selves fully in the Here-Now in an attitude of Conditionless Love and in the Light of our Consciousness. With each time we succeed in this, we become firmer rooted in the Truth and our Inner Centre of Harmony, Love and Light expands further.


Although God is high above everything, he is also at the centre of all that He hath created. Our own link to the Divine Source is to be found within our own hearts. We can develop and open our higher senses to try and perceive Him in the world that sorrounds us. We can reach out with our minds to lift us up towards Him -but ultimately He can only truly be found by turning around and looking within our-selves and to find the place of connection there. Once having discovered it, you will be automatically able to see it in everyone end everything else around you, too. It is like having walked through life seeing only black and white, yet believing they are the real colours. And one day closing you eyes, turning your gaze inwards and seeing a beautiful, multi-coloured rainbow there. Upon re-opening your eyes you are suddenly able to see colours there, too. Realizing that they have always been there waiting for you to notice them, yet because you had held on so steadfastly to your convictio...


Nothing you ever do in life is wrong or should better have been left undone. Unless you your-self judge and believe it to be wrong or superfluous and therby are rendering it so. Because every moment of your existance you are creating your own reality and you always have the free will and choice. However, if you feel that you made a mistake, try to do it better next time. Maybe there are situations where you feel that if you had chosen differently you might have reached your goal sooner and saved your-self some trouble? But this seems only superficially so, because whatever you are here for to experience and learn in this life, you will have to go through in one way or another and ultimately it makes no difference if you take the apparently longer routes or the short ones. The only thing that truly matters in the end, is the quality you give to every moment of living by your inherent attitude and intent. Love, Light and Truth should guide your every step. Therfore, strive for conscious ...


There is no way of knowing what the next day- or even hour- may bring. Altough you would like to know and are living in the set believe that you actually do know and are even able to plan and decide upon you future, long- and short-term. Yet the so called "future" is in reality nothing more than a figment of your Mind. The Mind needs the future- as well as the past, which is in truth nothing more but subjective memories- in order to secure its existance. Without Mind there is only the here-now, free from either past or future. The Mind needs these two in order to build a kind of net in which it feels comparatively secure. However in a individual prone to worrying, fearing, doubting this safety net is rather like a deadly trap or dark labyrinth or set of heavy chains. But in any case, the belief in past and future is holding you back from being free, from living your full potential and from enjoying every minute of this presciuos and unique life in Earth. All Life is change an...


The Truth is so simple it needs no words to express it-self. Yet the human mind is rendering it interminably complex and in the process of doing so loses its essence and becomes an artificial product. All Life being an expression of this Divine Truth is also very simple- yet eternally intricate and wonderously unique in its diversity. And the human mind, again not understanding, does not respect this. Instead it tries to unify this richness as much as possible in order to adapt it better to the scopes of its understanding- which is still very limited in the generality of man-kind. Thus Life becomes like a factory-made product out of a box, having lost its vitality and magic. Nature, the animal kingdom and litte children- where they have not been too greatly interfered with by the human mind, - are still in touch with the Truth, are still able to manifest it in their pure and innocent expression of Life and by simply Being. Therefore human-kind has to turn to these sources of Wisdom in ...


You can know your fellow men only as far as you are aware of your-self, because whoever you meet with represents aspects of you. The law of attraction applies to all realms of our existance. "Like attracts like", even if at times it might seem to us rather "like attracts the opposite". But since the opposity being the invisible other half of the same coin, it still is the same, although for most it might not appear thus. For as long as you hold on to false ideas and illusionary truths of your-self and others, time and time again you will find your-alf disappointed, hurt and deceived in your expectations of other people and circumstances. Therefore it is an impossibility to change other people or your circumstances in life for the better without first changing, transforming your-self. "Change" in this context encompassing personal growth and development.  In doing so you might at times believe that you had understood your "mistake" the previous ...


Looking directly into someone else's eyey from the purity and innocence of your heart, created instants of Truth from which Love and Light are born. When two gazes inter-lock, even if for split seconds only, the here-now becomes one with eternity. The eyes are the mirror of our souls and trough them the heart speaks, instead of the mind as is usually the case. Therefore those moments, happening out of what is universally perceived as time and place, are devoid of any Ego. Gazing diecrtly into the eyes of someone requires courage, because doing so there remains no more place to hide your-self in, as there is when talking to someone from the mind. This is why most people in their everyday life hardly ever meet somebody else's eyes directly- not even their own when looking into a mirror. Because doing the latter, you fall into a void where thoughts cease and you catch a glimpse of the Truth which has no definite form other than the one we believe in and want to see. All that is o...


Although we, -that is to say: our inherent Ego,- would wish to be liked and understod by all and sunder, this is, of course, as little the case as the fact that we our-selves like and understand everyone else around us. The beauty of life lies in its diversity and and although once we have attained to a state of counsciuosness, which encompasses the feeling unconditional love towards all that IS, this does not include liking everyone, nor does it render us likeable to everybody. For the personality part in us has its limitations and becoming illuminated does not make us super-humans for as long as we still live in Earth. Even in Nature there are not affinities everywhere. For example there are ceratin plants which will not prosper next to another variety, whereas planted next to a different one they flourish. However, not liking everyone and everything we meet with- and vice versa- does not have to hinder us from accepting them, from recognizing their uniqueness and equality and respe...


The biggest part of you lies hidden in the realms of your unconscious and subconscious. Knowing and being aware of your thoughts during the day and the dreams of the night gives you the key to enter into these otherwise hidden dimensions. The unconsious and subconsciuos part of your being are the dominating factors in the creation of the reality we are experiencing. Therefore by becoming fully conscious of your-self, i.e. your own thoughts, emotions and physical body at all times in merging with the neutrally observing part of your-self, you become master of your destiny. It hands you the power to transform your personal darknesses into Light and Love. By so doing, you will slowly but persistently bring forth what has been lying hidden in th elayer of your subconscious and unconscious part of the mind into conscious awareness. Thereby disolving it in the light of self-recognition and love.