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Working is an active participation in the process of Life and Creation, given you are completely atuned to it and not partly/completely somewhere else with your mind. If you achieve to fully surrender to and dissolve in the work you are doing you are increasing your natural energy flow and feel enlivend rather than dulled afterwards. On the other hand, by doing work unwillingly, with each passing moment you block your-self off from the natural energy more and by so doing not only deplete your own ressources but the ones of your enviroment and co-workers, too. And by persisting in this negating attitude towards those precious moments of life illness is created.
Nowhere as much as in manual labour the state of matter changes from one moment to the next and therefore it offers a great opportunity to learn to accept that all life is CHANGE.
One reason for so many people losing their joy of life, feeling stressed/bored/emptied by their daily work and tasks is because nowadays so much of it takes place only inside a computer and leaves the only visible trances on its screen- if at all. This fact is rendering it very hard for you to see how much you have really accomplished and it makes it difficult to appreciate your own endeavours and the precious time spent you working. In such a case it requires consciuos awareness to be able to make your-self (and others) acknowlegde how industrious and useful you truly are being. It is no wonder, therefore, that manual labourers especially those working in/with Nature and those working directly with other living beings (human or animal) or doing creative art generally feel much more content and happy in their daily lives, their efforts being visible in the matter/material/land/person etc. Altough at first glance and superficially judged only their tasks may look menial, unimportant or even superfluous to the world.

Sports is another form of taking an active part in the process of life and helping to increase its force flowing through you. But it is only benefical to the individual if it is done with regard of and keeping to ones own natural limitations and in an attitude of respect towards Nature and other living beings. Otherwise it may actually be a means to create disharmony and disruption instead.


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