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We should prepare our-selves for our physical death by imagining it occuring while we are still fully alive and healthy. Not to the end of indulging in morbid phantasies but rather of making our actual passing-over to the Spirit World easier when our time comes to leave. This not only teaches us not to identify our-selves with our body, but instills in us a gratitude towards the gift of physical existance as such. For indeed, having a sentient body to experience life to the full is something very special and unique.
But not until you have really been confronted with the actual possibility of losing your physical body, will you know whether you have truly achieved to let go your hold of it and your attachment to your current life, while still living in the flesh.
Only the other night, I have come to realize the truth of this myself, upon finding that I might actually have partaken of a deadly poisoning wild herb. I had recently taken to picking and eating wild herbs and flowers. I choose them by listening to my intuition and the little I could remember from biology classes at school- and so far had never eaten anything that made me ill. Knowing more than me in this field, my father got worried when I told him about this and went to buy a book on wild plants and peruse it immediately. In an e-mail he warned me about one particular herb which had two very similar looking sub-varieties of a poisonous kind- one of them literally deadly. The plant in question being a rather common one, I had often eaten its blossoms on my morning strolls through nature. Only that very morning in fact, I had come upon one of those and now remembered having particularly noticed and admired its leaves because they seemed especially intricate. And true to my habit- but after a moment's hesitation  -heedless of the voice of my intuition venturing that since the leaves were different it might not be he same plant as usual, instead listening to my mind countering in apparent logic that as the blossoms looked the same as what could be the harm? So I picked off and eaten one of its blossoms finding them rather stronger in taste than usual and still able to taste them in my mouth half an hour later. Reading my father's warning e-mail that evening, I got quite a shock because in the biological drawing of the deadly poisonous plant I recognized the one I had eaten that very morning, because being endowed with a photographic memory I could still picture the leaves of the plant I has partaken of before my mind's eye. Disquietend and intrigued, I read up the details and about the sequence of death and its appertaining symptoms on the internet. This taking place just prior to going to bed, I found my-self lying there with my mind circling about the possibility of my passing away in the hours to come. I could actually feel the symptoms in my body, although I kept telling my-self that I was only imagining it. My mind kept going over the incidents of the morning, trying to recapitulate the crucial moments. I played with the option of getting up again and going back to the place where I had found the plant but then decided against it on the grounds that it would not change the facts, as it was too late for any action of prevention. Having drawn that conclusion, I focussed my mind on the present instead, facing the possibility of my dying that night. I felt surprisingly serene and contented in view of my possible imminent death, because I knew there was nothing I would rather have done differently in my life up to that moment and that my last day had been a very happy one, filled with lighness and joy. However, personally, I did not find that it was quite time for me to leave this incarnation as yet because to me it seemed my soul's mission had not yet been completed. However, I might be wrong about that for no mortal being ever knows God's ways. And thus I crossed my hands on my chest, looked up to the one visible star between the clouds above me trough the roof-window, then closed my eyes and sank into the arms of the Universe. Thanking God for the beautiful day he had given unto me. Then using my mind's imagination employed it to fill every atom of my body with Divine Light and re-iterating the words: every cell of my system is complete and functioning perfectly.
To my immense amazement and joy I woke up the next morning in my bed. Finding, that I was still in the body and fully alive and healthy.
However, I could not let the matter lie to rest, my mind kept wondering whether my memory of the wild herb had been wrong or if I had really survived its deadly-poisoning effect. Thus, I went back to the exact spot of the incident two days later. And found that my memory had been functioning perfectly and that I had truly been the recipient of God's Grace- teaching me a lesson I would not ever forget.


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