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Life force/ Divine Energy is innocent.

The colour of white is often being called innocent because it is still complete and not yet fractured into the colours lying hidden within it.
Likewise, an expanse of snow is sometimes being termed innocent, not simly for its pristine whiteness  but also because it still is tracesless

Innocence in an individual defines an attitude of neutral openness towards life, that is unpolarized by the conditioned thinking of the Mind and unbiased by prior emotional and physical experiences. Innocence, therefore, is only possible in an individual who has freed its personality-self from all traces of either past experiences, expectations of the future or Ego-based desires. It comes as an natural by-product of inner harmony and wholeness.

Of course, living in the world of dense matter you can neither help thinking nor making emotional and physical experiences with every passing instant. However, you always have a choice, whether you want to hold on to them once they have taken place, or if you rather extract their deeper meaning only and let them go as soon. Thus using each passing moment of your life to widen your perspective, rather than to narrow it down. Experiences and thoughts now serving you to enter deeper into life and simultaneously rising higher, rather than to cause traces in your personality-self that deepen with each time they are passed and getting you stuck in the same place.


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