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A sheep cannot help itself being a sheep. But what do you think it would wish for itself if happening to be surrounded by a labyrinthine hedge, that is taking away its freedom to move? It would dream of being an eagle with sharp eyes, soaring high above in the skies and to thus being able to see a path out of the restrictive labyrinth.
As human beings we may be living like short-sighted sheep caught in our Ego-identification and its appertaining fears and problems. However, we possess both the potential to be like eagles and the power of freewill.
Therefore, whenever you are finding yourself stuck in a personal situation which is making you feel shut in in some way (physically, emotionally or mentally) switch your level of consciousness. Turn yourself into an eagle by rising out off and above your limited personal perception and restricted view of the situation. Try seeing the other side of the hedge, the view from the other side, its shape from above and above all, gain a overall view of your emotional-mental habits of reaction. The physical level of life and thus your personal existence is only the outermost shell of an inner reality, which lies on a more subtle level than the personal-material reality. Therefore, in order to create liberating openings in your "hedge" you have make changes on the spiritual-mental levels of being and this is only possible, if you let go your fear-instinct dominated Ego-self and take a wider view of your self and its habits of reaction.


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