There are two kinds of curiosity. The one is born of fear and the other of joy. The first is motivated by the Ego's desire to know as much as possible in order to feel secure/loved/assured/worthy. The Ego wants to know in order not to be an outsider, not to be thought of as ignorant and stupid, not to be lonely.
Whereas the second type of curiosity is a natural openness towards new experiences and impressions. It is motivated by the higher Self, which is living in the world through the lower Self. It is the inherent instinct of the Divine Spirit to develop, unfold and manifest its full potential.
Whereas the second type of curiosity is a natural openness towards new experiences and impressions. It is motivated by the higher Self, which is living in the world through the lower Self. It is the inherent instinct of the Divine Spirit to develop, unfold and manifest its full potential.
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