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Although we can learn and deduce a lot about God’s laws of life and about our own human nature from observing and understanding the ways of Mother Nature, there are certain aspects of Her, which can lead to wrong conclusions about humankind. For example any apple is an apple and thus will in most cases taste like one, too. Meaning, its outward appearance allows a direct conclusion of its inner life. Whereas the inner and the outer lives of human beings generally are quite different from each other to a superficial observer. There is an inner and an outer reality to every person. And although in human beings the outer is conditioned by and created by the inner reality, the two might often appear to be complete opposites if viewed solely with the eyes of the world. However if you care to look beyond someone’s outward appearance and situation in life and instead recognize the intentions and motives behind their acts and words and their attitude towards themselves and their fate in life, you will gain a ore accurate insight into their inner life. And in returning to the example of the apple: in so doing you might suddenly realize that a perfect appearance might reveal stale and tasteless flesh, whereas on the other hand a crumply and browned little apple can taste rich and sweet.


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