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For as long as there are moments in your life, which are making you feel sad/angry/frustrated/misunderstood etc. you are not fully at one within yourself and not fully loving/accepting/understanding towards all that you are. Meaning, you are still fighting against yourself in some way, still trying to hide away from your fear instead of confronting it. In other words you are still trying to dominate life by your free will instead of surrendering it to the loving will of the Highest which is in fact only waiting to take care of you and to bear you up through your life and its possible difficulties.
Whereas complete, loving and accepting surrender of your own free will to the one of the Highest, is leaving you joyously happy and at peace with all that you are and are encountering in any situation of your personal life.
Many are giving it a try to surrender and as soon lose heart again because the obstacles in their lives do not disappear over-night. Instead of realizing that they are in fact created by Divine providence especially, in order to teach them to experience love more fully and to deepen their trust towards it. Even just the simple realization and acceptance of this truth can prove immensely empowering upon a personal level because it effectively puts an end to your conviction to be a victim of bad fate. Instead it makes you recognize that the only reason for the existence of your various “problems” is your own lack of love and understanding. And because the latter two are attainable personal qualities you now know the way to resolve the hindering issues.


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