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Showing posts from December, 2012


Where there is Love, justice reigns peacefully and naturally amongst the living creatures involved. Whereas in places and situations in life, where love is lacking a so-called justice has to be fought for with brutal force. In fact, all fights and wars are ultimately caused by the idea of wanting to install justice and to get ones proper due. But of course, this renders an atmosphere of love and true justice difficult -if not actually impossible. Therefore the only way to install justice in the world, which will not one day backfire into another war/fight/revolution, is to love and to forthwith cease from strife in the name of justice, both in the personal and national name. Why? To love brings you into alignment with God, who Himself incorporates justice absolute.


At all times and in any situation you always have all the time in the world at your disposal. Provided that you are personally allowing yourself the time and space, which might be momentarily necessary to you. Follow the example of God, who Himself is infinite patience. He gives you as many chances and as much time as you require for consciously recognizing your various personal imperfections, which need correcting by your loving awareness. He never hurries you, never reprimands you for being tardy- He simply presents you with a same situation once more so that maybe this time round you will be ready to look at the truth about yourself instead of dodging out of its way by holding on to your Ego-tinted perspective. Do not compare yourself to others because by doing so you will either feed your pride by being faster than them, or believe yourself to be inferior due to your comparative slowness. Everyone has his own way of understanding, recognizing and doing thing...


Although we can learn and deduce a lot about God’s laws of life and about our own human nature from observing and understanding the ways of Mother Nature, there are certain aspects of Her, which can lead to wrong conclusions about humankind. For example any apple is an apple and thus will in most cases taste like one, too. Meaning, its outward appearance allows a direct conclusion of its inner life. Whereas the inner and the outer lives of human beings generally are quite different from each other to a superficial observer. There is an inner and an outer reality to every person. And although in human beings the outer is conditioned by and created by the inner reality, the two might often appear to be complete opposites if viewed solely with the eyes of the world. However if you care to look beyond someone’s outward appearance and situation in life and instead recognize the intentions and motives behind their acts and words and their attitude towards themselves and...


For as long as there are moments in your life, which are making you feel sad/angry/frustrated/misunderstood etc. you are not fully at one within yourself and not fully loving/accepting/understanding towards all that you are. Meaning, you are still fighting against yourself in some way, still trying to hide away from your fear instead of confronting it. In other words you are still trying to dominate life by your free will instead of surrendering it to the loving will of the Highest which is in fact only waiting to take care of you and to bear you up through your life and its possible difficulties. Whereas complete, loving and accepting surrender of your own free will to the one of the Highest, is leaving you joyously happy and at peace with all that you are and are encountering in any situation of your personal life. Many are giving it a try to surrender and as soon lose heart again because the obstacles in their lives do not disappear over-night. Instead of r...


The universe consists of dual opposites. In order to be able to consciously recognize one side you have to know its opposite side too. So the one conditions as well as precludes the other side -and vice versa. Therefore if you wish to receive love you have to cultivate your ability to give and to feel love. Because the depth of your capacity to love decides how much love and what kind of love you are receiving from the world. And since your love, which is ultimately coming from the Divine Source, is passing through your heart, thus begins and ends with yourself, the place to start loving is your own self and you way of being. However this love of self should be self-less and unconditional, otherwise you will wait in vain to be truly loved and rather meet its opposite in the world. Also, unless you are feeling love within, all the love you believe to be receiving from the world will vanish one day and leave you with empty hands. Or if your love has been of the ego ...