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Life is a Divine expression of Love and Light. Because Love/Life simply IS, fighting for it always takes you away from its reality. Life is not a fight but a harmonious dance of change.
While you are still under the belief that you have to fight in order to be able to live, you remain hostage to your Mind and Body. Life will indeed be a continuous battle to you -and the moments of harmony only few and short in between.
In human-beings it is only the Ego-part of the Mind which feels the necessity to fight for its existance. Being afraid of change/death it knows only resistance and wishful thinking and fervently clings on to its set believes. In resisting the flow of change, the reality of the here-now, obstacles and difficulties are created -and if already existing- increased. Living this way, lost in the Ego-created world of illusions you are actually missing the true purpose of your being here. Fighting binds you to matter and thus hinders your Spiritual growth.
Even if at times your outward circumstances seem to force you into fighting- you always have a choice of action. If not outwardly so, then inwardly, because at any time, you are ALWAYS free to chose your own attitude. So should a situation arise in which you deem it necessary to fight for your rights, aim at remaining passive inwardly. Take the required steps and actions outwardly but do not get involved with your emotions and thoughts. This way you are dealing with the reality in a diect way, without unnecessary confusion and exaggeration created by the Ego.


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