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Harmony radiates with an inborn beauty. God being the source of all life, Divine harmony is found at the core of its manifold expressions. 
It could be said that our life is a continual search for a state of complete harmony, or in other words: an on-going quest for beauty. The majority of people are hunting for it outwardly and not seldom have to give up in dispair because it appears an impossible venture. Even if fleeting moments of beauty/harmonious balance might be attained, they vanish as soon as they are being grasped. In striving for external harmony/beauty, while neglecting your own inward truth, all ressemblance of it in the outward world is lost. The only kind which is of duration is the one found within your heart. Having found it and living in the realization of it, renders you unspeakably beautiful. A beauty which might not be immediately apparent to a superficial observer, but all the same has a transforming effect upon him/her, due to its harmonizing effect.
Also, in speaking from your personal truth, thinking and acting in accordance with it at all times, creates a field of harmonious beauty within and around you, which has the power to transform and touch anything and anyone within its reach.


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