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A love that can be taken away from you has not been true love, but a projection of a phantasy love-story of which you have been cast for the idolized protagonist. And because the passage of time has revealed you not to be the exact replica of the wished and longed for character, you were discarded. In most cases, this applies to both parties involved in a love-story. Since hardly ever both partners dream exactly the same dream, of course, most so-called love relationships inevitably flounder after the first rush of emotions has died down and end with a crisis in mutual, or one-sided, disillusionment and frustration. This is, unless  in the passage of time the two parties involved achieve to gradually adopt their initial idealized idea of the other to the actual reality and learn to love the other dispite his/her imperfect personality. This process is a transformation of love from the level of the Emotions, Senses and Mind into on one of the Heart.
Of course, for as long as you are still identifying your-self with you Mind, Body and Emotions you will be chasing after idealized love-stories, which, since they stem from and are lived-out in a world of duality, inevitably will turn bitter some day.
Realizing that your personality has its limitations and is only one part of you, enables you to live a love relationship in mutual understanding and respect- regardless of what the other one does or if you decide to go separate ways after a while.


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