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Showing posts from November, 2011


At certain times in your life you will feel your-self standing at partings of the ways or crossroads from whence there appear to be several path-ways to chose from. You might puzzle at  the different options at hand, or even question your-self which might be the right one for you. But always know this- whichever path you decide upon- it will be the right one for you. Because they are all yours, all equally right and ultimately all taking you to the same place. Where exactly this place is going to be, or rather; which level of consciousness you will attain to at the end of this incarnation, depends entirely upon your committment towards the quest and willingness to learn and accept changes along your life-path. Even though you might believe that your decisions have the power to influence your personal circumstances in life- they do not really. Maybe your outward circumstances temporarily appear changed by them. However this perception is illusionary, unless you develop consciousness...


Believing you have to fight in your life in order to survive or get the things you want is a certain indicator that you are still living on the sphere of the Mind and Ego. Existance with a consciuosness rooted in the reality of the Heart feels like a river. Flowing along with it may not always be easy and relaxing because at times there are strong currents to be navigated through and maybe even occasional rocks of stone to be circumnavigated. However, for as long as you remain in unvarying Faith and Devotion towards the Divine Wisdom over-seeing it all, you can neither drown nor capsize.


A love that can be taken away from you has not been true love, but a projection of a phantasy love-story of which you have been cast for the idolized protagonist. And because the passage of time has revealed you not to be the exact replica of the wished and longed for character, you were discarded. In most cases, this applies to both parties involved in a love-story. Since hardly ever both partners dream exactly the same dream, of course, most so-called love relationships inevitably flounder after the first rush of emotions has died down and end with a crisis in mutual, or one-sided, disillusionment and frustration. This is, unless  in the passage of time the two parties involved achieve to gradually adopt their initial idealized idea of the other to the actual reality and learn to love the other dispite his/her imperfect personality. This process is a transformation of love from the level of the Emotions, Senses and Mind into on one of the Heart. Of course, for as long as you are...


Love is the only prayer. Doing everything in your life out of love, empowers you to fulfill your soul's destiny with sunshine in your heart- even in difficult times,-  rendering every moment of your existance whole and holy.


Live your life NOW, for else all your tomorrowos will be nothing but a succession of todays, while your body is qietly aging, growing stiffer by the day and your mind becoming more rigid in its self-chosen conditionings and limitations. By living in the awareness of your multi-dimensional self and the Divine Truth, Love and Light behind an within all life, your consciousness expands and develops. And you actually travel at the speed of Light through existance. Whereas by clinging on to the material world in fear of the unknown, and unknowable, lost in the sphere of the Ego-Mind, your soul's progress is slow, heavy-going and not seldom confusing and painful. Of course, there will also be happy moments in between the suffering, but they are but short-lived and will never remain with you for long. Unless you learn how to transform your experiences, the dark and the light ones, by application of conscious awareness, reaching beyond their apparent surface and realizing their root cause...


Life in the reality of the Ego-Mind is a greedy taking of Love and reluctant giving, both riddled with disappointed expectances and hurt feelings. Whereas in an existance in the sphere of the Heart, Love is a steady flow of abundant receiving and joyous passing on.


Divest your-self of all your fears and are as free as the air you are breathing. If you are afraid your body is hardly breathing. Life and breath(Prana) are closely linked and interdependent- one could actually say, synonymous. To be alive means to be breathing freely. Fear is their opponent because it makes you cling on to parts of life in search of false security. In truth, the only security there is, lies in surrendering willingly to the changes the flow of life perpetually and inevitably provokes. Conscious breathing is the key to the awareness of the present moment as it IS. Breath links you to your physical body, provoking changes therein, thus rendering it alive. The physical body is the part of you which has its reality in the world and it reacts subconsciously not only to Prana but also the Ego-Mind, which in turn is directed by Fear. However, centering your awareness in breathing, the flow of life moving your body, frees you from the conditionings of the mind, enabling you to...