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It is part of the inherent nature of the Ego-Mind to always want to own everything. Objects, feelings, people, thoughts, words, places, memories... the list is endless!
The poverty talked of in the Bible and the clericals subscribe them-selves to, refers to freeing your-self from this constant want of possessing everything. Understood on a superficial level only this, of course, attracts very few- and even those not always with the correct motivation behind. It is not meant to be a poverty in which you constantly feel like a victim, left-out or dissatisfied or unlucky in your destiny. Not one in which you secretly covet and hanker after your neighbours possessions, nor one in which you dream about being rich and wealthy. True Poverty is a surrendering to the Divine, realizing that God is always providing you with what you need for living- for as long as you willingly and lovingly full-fill the tasks which you are given and for which you are here for in this present life. Knowing that things come and go, pass through your hands and Life is always a give and take- not just on the generally obviuos physical level. You can be living in Poverty even though you may actually be possesing material riches and vice versa. Material circumstances often can neither be chosen nor altered much in ones life-time but ones attitude towards it because how you regard and cope with the destiny you have been dealt with is entirely up to your own free will. Society in general only sees and recognizes the superficial level, rendering it very difficult to keep ones personal attitude towards it pure and untainted and therefore many are confused and unhappy with their lot. But now, if ever is the time to wake up and to realize that even though we may be here to learn to know our-selves, in truth we are really tiny parts of the Divine Harmony and our personal free will in the form of the Ego-Mind is only of value and influence if we willingly surrender it to the one of the Highest speaking to us through our hearts. All possessions and desires we may posses or desire for are artifical in the sense that they are of value only in the spheres of the Mind. Subscribing your-self to True Poverty therefore could be called an acknowledgment on part of the Ego-Mind towards the Divine that it not of importance what it may desire and wish for because all that really matters in earthly life and what truly counts on the day of reckoning is the amount Love and Light one has lived and expressed while living in the flesh - irrespectable of ones material circumstances. It also a represents a dedication and subjugation of ones physical existance, the flesh and its earthly desires, to the Spiritual side of Creation and God. Putting one-self at His mercy in pure Faith and Love.


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