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New structures and new forms of living, both on a personal and universal level, are what are necessary in order to save this planet and her manifold inhabitants. Great energies of change and re-newel are moving about and within us. New rules and laws of behaviour and living for the human population must be found because the old ways are in general out-dated, stale and dead - but most importantly; impossible to be made compatible with the current influx of cosmic Light-energy which is making our planet become gradually lighter. In order for the new era of the Earth establish itself in the most harmonious way, her children must move with her, for otherwise great collisions between them and her Elemental forces are inevitable. And by moving is meant to achieve personal enlightenment. But for as long as the generality is still holding on and living according to the old ways this process is greatly hindered. Pictorially spoken: you cannot hold on to a rock and still want to flow with the stream. But to let go and blindly follow the current requires immense trust and faith. These two qualities- if they are of the real and lasting kind and not the illusionary and temporary one our Ego-Mind produces - arise from our Spiritual Heart Centre, where we can also feel our connection to the Divine Unity of Creation.
Therefore, new ways of behaviour are called for - on all levels of our being and lives. Firstly, how we act towards and for our-selves (personal consciousness management), secondly towards our fellow creatures and thirdly towards Mother Nature. Although, really, the first one is the one to be concetrated upon because if this one is established all else will simply and naturally follow suit. Once we have learnt to live wholly guided by our Divine intuition - instead of under the rulership of the Ego-Mind -  in complete respect, love and truth towards our-selves, having surrendered to the Divine Will and Love, we will automatically be in harmony with our surroundings and have a healing and balancing effect upon them. Also, our mind will open up naturally to the higher Spiritual realites as well as the Elemental intelligence inherent in Nature.
Of course, while the change in society is in the process of shifting from the old to the new and especially, while the old one is still holding presidency, the moving forward is very difficult and riddled with obstacles and cross-currents. Those individuals who are the pioneers must be strong and steadfast in their conviction that they are on the right track, and their love and faith must be great - for else they will inevitably falter and give in to the majority sooner or later. But the more that they are brave and listen to the voice of their heart, the easier it will become for the others who come after them. Besides trust and faith, patience is required on the parts of the pioneers, because as certain as there is going to BE a great change - it is equally impossible to foretell when and how exactly it is going to take place. But if trust and faith are of the true kind, they automatically instill Patience towards all life. Knowing that there is a greater Intelligence above directing and guiding us.
Although earlier on I have been talking of new ways, really, they are a revival of the wisdom of ancient traditions and nature tribes combined with modern technologies and sciences, and lived by mankind residing in a state of continual Christ Consciuosness.


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