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All life happens for a reason- not one single moment of existance is without its higher purpose in the Divine order of things. The whole of creation runs in perfect harmony- it is only us human-beings who  interfere with this heavenly melody by acting according to the will of our Ego-Minds instead of after God's Will and Love for us.
But the more we become centred within our own Christ Consciousness, which has its seat in the Spiritual Heart Centre and which connects us to the Source, and the more we grow conscious of our-selves, of our thoughts, desires, fears etc. and aware of the movements of life around us, the clearer becomes our perception of the hidden structures, connections and reasons for outward appearences and occurences.
Once you have learnt to acknowledge the invisible and have sensitised your awareness to the realms of the Spirit Worlds and the Divine core of light energy within all things created, realization will dawns on you that not only are you connected to all things created but also that all life is eternal and death does not really exist- save in the human mind and perception. For each seeming death on one plane of existance is simultaneously a birth on a higher or lower one. Therefore "death" and "birth" could be said to be synonyms and "transformation of energy" a more appropriate term.
When you start realizing within your own being the One-ness of all things, slowly your awareness opens up to these higher truths. This opening in the Mind has a relaxing and reassuring effect on daily existance because the fear of death gradually fades away and leaves you free to live in and enjoy the here-now. Also, by attuning yourself consciously to the higher rythm and harmonies of existance your own energy-level increases and you become much more effective and present in that which is, instead of losing yourself in thoughts of what might be in the future. Because if every single moment has a meaning, every second of life may be accepted and is worth to be lived and enjoyed.


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