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Although the whole of Creation, inside this Solar System we are living in, originates from the same God source every single part of it is unique. Therefore every Soul is different from the next one beside. This being the case, in truth all comparisons are false. They are nothing but a by-product of Man's Ego-Mind Thinking and arise from the original Fear  of standing Alone and excluded from the group. Because by drawing up a comparison one can gain power over others by making them "out-siders" and by the same token put the Self in the "right". It is always a subtle form of manipulation, either of the Self and/or of others. But since everything in this world of duality has an opposing aspect to it, the other side, the "negative" one so to speak, is the one which not enhances the personal sense of power but diminishes it. Because if comparing one-self to others and at the same time being of a nature who suffers from a minority complex the result is invariably one of feeling even worse after a comparision has been drawn up. But both kinds are of a destructive nature because they both have a strengthening effect on the Ego-Mind- either to the fear aspect or the power aspect of it. But since comparisions are so common and usually take place on subconsciuos  and very subtle levels, detecting them and destroying their roots within the individual way of thinking is usually a complex and difficult task. Not only because the fear-oriented Ego-Mind is a reluctant-to-learn component of ones Personality-Self but also, and especially so, because society at large still teaches and makes on believe that comparisions are the norm and necessary in order to make one being accepted and allowed to exist at all. Comparisions take you away from your initial Self and thus from the natural flow of life also. The always have negative by-products- unless they are conducted with a true and loving heart and with the intent of wanting to learn more about one-self- in which case they serve for the development and growth of the True Self. Because by looking at others neutrally, we can learn more about and of our own subconsciuos parts. All that we meet within the exterior world reflects aspects of our-self and by comparing them with what we already consciously know/see/feel/possess for our-selves, we are able to un-earth the hidden treasures- or obstacles within the Self.


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