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Showing posts from June, 2011


What Mother Earth needs, is its Human population to revert to a more mindful and natural way of treating Her and Her resources in order to regain Her health and equilibrium is a common fact, which nowadays even the most intellectual, logical, and scientific thinking person cannot disagree with anymore. But despite the severe and shocking warnings we have been given by the Elements playing havoc and causing much devastation upon Her surface and its inhabitants, reaction is slow in setting in. Because saving the planet is not a lucrative venture- on the contrary. Seemingly for too long the human population has been in the habit of thinking and acting purely upon economical considerations and financial gain- in order to always making the biggest profit in the shortest time possible and at the least cost. Thus, although realisation has dawned on mankind and a minority has begun acting differently, the old systems are very difficult to be relinquished. Because there are still so many people...


Although the whole of Creation, inside this Solar System we are living in, originates from the same God source every single part of it is unique. Therefore every Soul is different from the next one beside. This being the case, in truth all comparisons are false. They are nothing but a by-product of Man's Ego-Mind Thinking and arise from the original Fear  of standing Alone and excluded from the group. Because by drawing up a comparison one can gain power over others by making them "out-siders" and by the same token put the Self in the "right". It is always a subtle form of manipulation, either of the Self and/or of others. But since everything in this world of duality has an opposing aspect to it, the other side, the "negative" one so to speak, is the one which not enhances the personal sense of power but diminishes it. Because if comparing one-self to others and at the same time being of a nature who suffers from a minority complex the result is invar...


Just as our lives and enviroment can be said to be a mirror of ourselves so can it be said that the general situation the World, Mother Nature and its inhabitants are in, represents the colletive subconscious. The same applies to the relationships between countries and amongst its popluation. On all levels of exterior existance- be it in the small or the large context- we always meet with a materialisation of our individual or collective interiors. And since, not only according to the Bible, first there was the Word and the World only secondly- the way to change the World is to change the Words- or Thoughts, because they are at least as powerful as Words can be. And since God can only speak through His creation it is us Human-beings, - we being the only parts of His creation able to think and speak,- the power and responsibility to change lies in our hands. But although all Humanity is connected with each other by invisible ties and thus form a tightly-knit unit- since each one has bee...


By surpassing the fears and desires of our Ego-Minds within our-selves, thus ceasing to let our actions be directed by them and rather following the voice of Intuition, our existance becomes increasingly aligned with the Divine plan and with God's will and love for us. Therefore it could be said, that human free will, is the freedom of choice which lies with each one of us of whether we want to listen to, and give preference to, the Divine voice speaking within our hearts or to heed the directions of the Ego-Mind. The first one being governed by Love, the second one by Fear- and God being synonymous to Love- it is not a difficult task to know which is the right one to chose if the result is wished to be unconditional bliss, harmony and peace within the Self and the world without. By the degree that we achieve to free ourselves from all the darkness within the Ego-Mind and personality part of our-selves, dissolving it by letting our love and light of consciousness rest upon it, the...


In Consciuosness there is no time because it is Divine. By verticalistation of personal consciuosness and inner harmony on all levels of your being, your own consciousness becomes synchronized to the all-encompassing Divine and universal one. The effect being that to the mind, which exists in horizontal reality, things increasingly happen seemingly at the same time. The sensation of knowing in advance what will take place the next moment, the next hour, the next day etc becomes an ordinary occurence. Also the boundary between nocturn dreams and day-light consciousness fades by the degree you become one with the neutral observer within, who exist on all levels, of your and the universal consciuosness, simultaneously.


Live for human souls in Earth is a Divine and eternal game of call and answer, taking place on manifold levels of consciousness. By the degree a soul becomes enlightened, realization of the truth and principles behind and understanding of its intricate patterns and laws, dawns.


The more you become consciously aware of your Personality Self with its thoughts, desires, fears and feelings etc and the more you know of your subconscious, the more distinclty you will come to recognize the movements of life around you and all the people you meet with as mirrored aspects of yourself or some part of yourself. And the more you become centred within your Spiritual Heart of Light Centre and the stronger you are rooted in your position of the neutral observer, the less you will be shaken and tossed about by what you encounter in the without. Because your focal point has shifted to the spiritual essence, the Divine Spark of Light-Love, lying hidden within each Being and in all of Nature. And although your senses will still register the outward and superficial appearences of things, Beings and circumstances -the hidden structures and motivations will be apparent to you at the same time- endowing you with a deep sense of trust, understanding and compassion.


Beyond fear lies trust; Beyond criticism lies compassion; Beyond anger - understanding; Beyond rebellion - surrender; Beyond loneliness- All-One-Ness Beyond love of the individual- A sense of fellowship with all Beings; Beyond place and time- Eternal BEing; Within each darkness lies- Hidden the LIGHT


The better you learn to be silent within your own thoughts and emotions and to effortlessly up-hold this state of still centred-ness within your own being, the clearer you will come to hear the voice of God. The Divine sound lies at the centre of all things created and the better your inner ear becomes attuned to the still core, the Divine harmony, within all life, the clearer you will be able to perceive it and understand what it is telling you. Love, Light and Truth.


By the degree that you come to realize your own Divinity and come to experience the One-ness of all there IS, the need to seek outward consolation, attraction and diversion diminishes. Because the latter arises from a lack of love and light within the self and from a feeling of emptiness and seperateness. Therefore by opening your consciousness to God, the Universal Source of Life, inner harmony and peace flow to you naturally and abundantly. Gradually, instead of finding yourself shaken and tossed about by life, you come to reside in your Divine centre from whence all movement can be observed.


All life happens for a reason- not one single moment of existance is without its higher purpose in the Divine order of things. The whole of creation runs in perfect harmony- it is only us human-beings who  interfere with this heavenly melody by acting according to the will of our Ego-Minds instead of after God's Will and Love for us. But the more we become centred within our own Christ Consciousness, which has its seat in the Spiritual Heart Centre and which connects us to the Source, and the more we grow conscious of our-selves, of our thoughts, desires, fears etc. and aware of the movements of life around us, the clearer becomes our perception of the hidden structures, connections and reasons for outward appearences and occurences. Once you have learnt to acknowledge the invisible and have sensitised your awareness to the realms of the Spirit Worlds and the Divine core of light energy within all things created, realization will dawns on you that not only are you connected to al...


Unless every single human-being finds light, love, freedom and harmony within his own self and learns to manifest these principles in his/her life, universal harmony and awakening, healing of Mother Nature and world peace will remain unattainable visions, while chaos, disaster and unjustice continue to rule. Therefore we all must take on the responsibility of every single moment of our existance and learn to live in accordance to the law of God's Will and Love for us. Learn to listen to the voice of our hearts and live therefrom.