What is your dream, which vision has brought you to incarnate into a human body (again?) ?
There are short- and long-term dreams we can have. (And there are also personal desires, which may appear as dreams and confuse our clarity and destiny.) Our short-term dreams are born of the initial vision and thus lead us towards our ultimate dream step-by-step.
Some people are aware of their ultimate life's dream, the one that brought them into physical existence, while others just experience on dream after the other. And the third are consciously aware of both varieties. There is no rule to it. The important thing is that there exist dreams we can move towards because they endow us with a kind of supernatural power in overcoming obstacles we encounter along our way of self-realization.
If our dreams are our destinations, then the positive feeling experiences are the sign-posts guiding us along our way there.
If there is no dream apparent and no higher vision or even the recollection of one from an earlier stage of life, the cause is a disconnection between the left and the right hemispheres of the brain (born of existential fear of some kind). Dreaming is a creative act (versus e.g. planning your life being a rational action). It thus originates in the right hemisphere of the brain and it can be apprehended and carried out by the power of our reason and will-power (left side brain).
Habitually suppressing feeling expressions and moving by rational reasoning instead in our day-to-day life, hinders our ability to dream and simultaneously also caps our intuititive powers.
In the wish to regain our dreaming capacity and to connect to our intuitive voice of wisdom we must therefore practice living by feeling and bravely, trustingly face the fears which try to stop us from doing so.
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