The common purpose shared by all living creatures is unconditional love. Because human kind has been endowed with free will, they are in a position to deviate from the path of perfect love either from ignorance/unconsciousness or from malice, which is but another form of unconsciousness. Therefore, human beings have to enlighten themselves in order to be able to willingly serve the cause of love. By enlightenment is meant they have to become consciously aware of their lower self and its instinctual, emotional and mental behaviour patterns. Up until then your love is conditional, dualistic and as such dependent upon its contrary opposite, in the form of unhappiness, fear, dissatisfaction, hatred, evil, injustice etc. The level upon which your consciousness is mainly focussed in your everyday life is the deciding factor in the question of whether you are a slave, servant or priest of love. Whether your love is free or conditioned. Leading a mainly unconsc...