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Your Spiritual path is a challenge. However not one which you are playing against others but solely for yourself. Heart against Ego-mind so to speak. And by scoring, meaning letting your heart win in a personal decision, you are simultaneously helping others to listen to their own hearts more. Because higher consciousness always has a positive impact upon consciousness of a lower rank. Just like a candle in a dark room which has the effect of lightening up much more space than just the place where the flame is. Every single moment of your life contains the opportunity to heed the voice of you heart instead of your Ego's.
You are a Spiritual being- just like everyone else and if you are finding yourself drawing comparisons between the quality of your own Spirituality and that of others you are being very non-spiritual indeed, because comparisons are an Ego-game. Everyone has his own unique way of living Spiritual awareness thus making it difficult to evaluate other's people's state of consciousness anyway. However an unmistakeable sign of someone's Spiritual advancement is their ability to love unconditionally and to respect others just the way they are without feeling personally offended by their ways. Such individuals are unconditionally and quietly at peace with themselves, their lives and their fellow-men.


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