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True Faith is not a thing that can be given to you. It is something to be found within your own heart. It is a state of being and has to be acquired by yourself through experience of God in your personal life. Having said this however, it can be inspired to take root in you by someone else, either by his/her words or by watching this person moving through his/her life guided by it.
True Faith can be described as an unshakeable belief in unconditional love, the Love of God. And because God Himself lies beyond words and can only be found by each and everyone for himself at the heart of Silence so it is with the faith in His Love. Although everyone's faith shares the same object, namely God and His Love, the way to come to this faith is different for each person. Everyone has his own unique way to come by it and once found it will never leave you and cannot be taken away from you either.
On the other hand, the kind of faith that is rooted in the mind and can be taught or given to you by foreign authority is temporary only, because certain experiences of life or contrary beliefs you come across can as easily up-rooted in your mind as it has been planted there.
Therefore if you believe that you have found True Faith for yourself put it to the test, inquire into yourself day after day, hour after hour of your daily life. And if it stays with you and is being strengthened by your experiences it is of the true kind. Whereas on the other hand if it weakly fluctuates with the currents in your life, with your mental/emotional/physical constitution and worldly circumstances it has been a mental belief only.


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