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"Accept the things you can not change, change the things you can and recognize the difference" has once been said by some wise person.
Applying this practically to everyday life one could say. "Shape yourself and consequently you own life, too, according to your personal ideals and let your fellow men/women do likewise for themselves. Do not interfere with their ideals, actions, ways of behaviour etc. For one thing because you cannot change their ways anyhow and for another because by finding fault with them in any way, either openly or just covertly to yourself, you are not only giving away valuable energy which you ought rather use for your own progress through life but are also causing disharmony within yourself and for whoever/whichever situation it is you might be criticizing.
True change can only be evoked from within and from there reach outwards. Therefore no amount of trying to rectify other people's ways by actions or accusations on your part is going to bring about any changes.
So your focus should lie in differentiating between your own responsibilities and those of your fellow men/women and to aim at increasing your capacity to give and receive Love selflessly.


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