When you have found your
inner home the outer one ceases to matter the way it used to do, because you
are now resting in an inward sanctuary. Residing within this inward place of
peace and harmony, possible chaos and storms in your outward life do no longer trouble
you, nor disturb you serene tranquillity. In your newly found position you are
able to view them with an uninvolved detachment of Mind, Emotions and Senses,
which enables you to recognize the deeper reason for their occurence in your life.
Living in this way,
others might judge you cold or unfeeling and some might even try to get you
involved by provoking you with verbal attacks and extreme actions. However
because you have ceased to be rooted in your personality, having shifted your
consciousness up to the individuality level, with you their attempts fall upon
barren ground and eventually they give up.
Functioning upon
the identity level what formerly seemed like provocations to you now represent
challenges, which serve to strengthen rather than weaken your position at the heart centre of your being.
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