If you are longing to be happy, say "yes". "Yes" to your self, "yes" to your thoughts, emotions and your body and the way they are now and have been so far. "Yes" to your life, your family, your childhood, your life's circumstances, your relationships, your whole past, present and to what you are currently believing to be your future. And also "yes" to the world and all it contains in general. In order to say "yes" to something it has not to be perfect. But if you wish it to become better and if you want to see its bright aspects you have to both accept it as it is here and now and the development it has gone through so far. Happiness arises from a sensation of union, at-one-ness and correlation. Saying/thinking "yes" without "buts and ifs" is making you feel at one within your self and thus engenders the sensation of happiness. Whereas saying/thinking "no" is erecting boundaries within you...