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You need to have a mission in life to fill your daily existence with sense of purpose. However, having an exterior mission is not enough if you do not wish to awake one day with a jolt asking yourself what you have been doing with the time of your life. Many people are going through life in first following the mission of their parents who want them to succeed at school and at their further studies/professional training. Afterwards they are following the creed that they must be successful, make a lot of money and build "securities"(house, pension, find a partner etc.) And if they have achieved this they find their mission in having and bringing up children and wanting them to succeed. But by the latest when their children have become independent they will find themselves at a loss, asking what their life is all about. Or maybe they do not just yet because they have deferred their mission to wanting things for their grandchildren or attending to their hobbies... Which is not to say that having exterior missions in life is wrong but it is simply not enough if you wish to make your sojourn on earth worthwhile - and who does not? For this reason you must complement your exterior aspirations and efforts with an inner mission, a spiritual purpose. This is very simple in fact. You only have to make a conscious decision that henceforth all your actions are to be steps towards God, that are taken in the awareness of love and light in life.


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