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True friend-ship lasts through differences of opinion/personal bliefs and survives separation as well as a change in your wordly circumstances.
The very fact that a so-called friend-ship has broken off due to one of the above mentioned reasons proves that it can have been little more than a liason of the Egos involved.
True friend-ship is a connecting bond that lies deeper than the Personality Self and transcends time and place.
The inter-connecting thread between true friends can be picked up and persued at any time just where it has been left off the last time in which the previous communion in Spirit has conicided with an actual meeting in person. It does not matter if this has been either in the current life time or in one that has gone before.
When such a meeting occurs, conversation might be exchanged, however it is not really necessary in order to make each other understood. Although  in all probability thought-transference will be part of this wordless understanding, what I am talking about here, is a shared silence that lies deeper than words can ever reach.


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