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Words are potencies of power and our ability to speak is a God-given gift.
What are you doing with this power? Are you squandering it? Are you withholding it? Are you using it to further your positive development and that of others?
Do you speak from love and joy or from fear and unhappiness?
Are the contents of your communication about beautiful, up-lifting and inspiring things? Or rather about shadows, darkness and suffering?
Observing yourself employing your power of speech can be very self-revealing.
The fundamental questions are: Why am I communicating and what about? The motivation and its contents. (In case you are of the type who is in the habit of suppressing the urge to communicate, then ask yourself the same questions about the things you are wishing to say but are afraid to speak out loud.)
If your verbal communication is motivated by fear you are using words because you believe you have to talk/to keep the feeling of loneliness at bay/to please others/to aggrandize or diminish yourself/to overcome uncertainty/from boredom etc.
If you are motivated by love and joy in your communications you are using words to add to your already existing positive feelings. To share positive personal experiences in order to inspire others and to enhance the mutual understanding between you. However, most of the time you feel you could just as well not say anything and would be feeling equally comfortable - if not actually even better because you are not diminishing the positive feelings and power by trying to verbalize them.


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