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Death is the opposite side of life. Some would say it is its dark side but it only appears dark if looked at from the Ego's perspective. Viewed from the other side, the freedom of the spiritual realms of light, it is rather the other way round - encased in a physical body, that which is generally called "life", seems like death.
Either way, death is a part of life that cannot be avoided.
What dies it mean to die in life? To die is to let go of that which is, and the next moment already has been, in order to free to embrace the succeeding moment and its new experiences without being conditioned by that, which has been before.
Existence is an endless sequence of moments and dying is necessary all the time. Only thus can you be constantly reborn.
Fear makes you hold on to what you have/believe to possess and thus hinders you from dying and being gloriously reborn. The more thoroughly you understand that you can never posses anything beyond you own inner light, the love within your heart and the present moment, the more you can enjoy life to the full.


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