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Mother Nature contains all the Universal Laws. By observing Her visible phenomenons we can learn everything that is to be known about life and the power of God - provided we are able to understand them in an abstracted sense and do not take them by their superficial appearences.
If life on earth is to prosper it must be in harmony. It must possess and receive both active and passive (male and female) energy in equal measures. In understanding love in the abstract sense it is something of a vivifying, nurturing and also harmonizing nature. In this manner the sunlight can be seen as a male representative of Universal love and water as its female counterpart. If they are equally present, together they are creating growth and prosperity on earth. However, because life in manifestation is built up of four components air and earth are required as well and these elements, too, must come in equal measures.
One of the lessons Mother Nature is teaching us is, that the state of duality can be outgrown and become simply love if enough loving attention is bestowed.
The flowering species morning glory is one of the plants to demonstrate this truth. Its first leaves are split in two but are growing by and by into a perfect heart shape.


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