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Unconscious (fear-conditioned) life is characterized by automatic and instinctive repetition of dull and narrow pre-defined patterns of behaviour. In contrast to life that is imbued with Divine consciousness, which sparkles and shines in its forever new and varying forms and movements (just think of Mother Nature).
If you are living unconsciously identified with your Ego-self, every moment of your personal existence is an involuntary repetition of your past (re-)actions. Accordingly you are re-living your past over and over again. In order to move into the present and from there also into your future, you must cease identifying yourself with your Ego. Instead you have to learn to become consciously aware of the changes, that are continually happening within and around you and to (re-)act to them in new ways.
A bright future only belongs to those who are leading a personal existence in conscious awareness. And the "bridge" that is taking you away from your past and into the future is the here-now, that is being experienced consciously. Those who fail to find this "bridge" remain living perpetually in their shadowy past.


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