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Unless you first finish with the old and let go your hold of it mentally, emotionally and physically you cannot possibly truly start with something new of the same kind. And I know this appears plain and logical in theory but in practice, by which is meant personal everyday life, this simple law is rarely being heeded.
It is like reading a book whose contents are of an intricate, complicated nature. If you wish to understand the second chapter you have to read the first one carefully and consciously. Otherwise you will start on the second one but while you are reading it your mind is unable to absorb the new texts because it keeps replaying the things you remember from the first one.
You can see people starting new relationships and all they are doing is reliving their previous one(s) with another person.
You can see people wanting to start a "new" life in a new environment and although the place is new the habits with which they are enlivening this new home are identical to their former ones.
So, before setting out for a new beginning it is advisable to first make yourself become consciously aware of all that the old one contains and encompasses and to let go your hold of it completely. In this manner you are free to embrace something/someone new in a new way.


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